Page 108 - KRH 2022 CREST
P. 108
106 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
in lunch bags, whilst channelling all of her Long Separation Allowance (LSA) earnings to routing troopers on Street Fighter 2. Her role in the Squadron’s engine room drew much acclaim and was the catalyst for her final job in the Army – as assistant military attaché (AMA) to Commander Field Army, Jan 2021.
A year spent in the fast lane offered Bea an opportunity to review her options; it was a great loss to both the organisation and the Regiment when Bea joined Morgan Stanley as a senior associate in their Sales and Trading Division in Feb 2022.
Captain George Heelas-Jorgensen
George began at RMA Sandhurst in January 2017, becoming an urban legend after being shot through the left shoulder by an OCdt destined for the Gunners during LFTT. The fear of being back termed and the apparent lack of stopping power of 5.56mm resulted in George return- ing to complete the range package two days later!
Commissioning into the King’s Royal Hussars on the 15 Dec 2017, George then attended his Troop
Leaders course in Bovington and Warminster with Alex Worth. His flamboyant nature and penchant for blonde ladies from Dorset had the Mess excited for his arrival... His first task at Regimental duty was being the Troop Leader in charge of the LCPV, his endeavours landing him on the front page of The Guardian.
After a stint riding Cresta in Switzerland, George deployed on Op CABRIT 4 in Estonia as Fourth Troop Leader, A Squadron. George decided that his real calling was not, in fact, command- ing a tank and spent 6 weeks skippering a yacht, sailing members of the BG around the Baltic Sea. On return to the UK George decided he was not yet done with his AT career and set about organising the legendary Ex CRIMSON COCONUT, a 2-week sailing trip to the Caribbean – a transparent cover for an xHx officers’ second holiday following catching typhoid in Thailand.
In 2020 George took up a post at ATR Winchester as 9 Platoon Commander, with COVID restricting contact time in training, George was intrinsic in developing remote training methods for the recruits as well as buying a Golden Lab, Oyster, who would become one of the many well-loved dogs of the mess.
On return to Regimental Duty as the RSO, George set about, once again, trying to weasel his way out of ordinary work, securing himself a place Cyber Warfare course, as well as a trip to visit the Jutland Dragoons in Denmark. He was a Mess stalwart and would often be found drinking whiskey from his own glass (it held the 5.56mm round that shot him) late into the evening or being a key member of the Mess Kabadi team.
On completion of Ex IRON STORM and Ex DEFENDER 22 George left the Army in April 22 to pursue a career with Amazon. He will be sorely missed by all those fortunate enough to have seen him on a tank served with and sailed with him during his time in the KRH.
Captain Matthew Corne
Captain Matthew Corne commis- sioned into the Regiment in April 2019 and after an arduous summer Bovington course, spent exploring the cream tea options available at Rudd’s Café in Lulworth and Wool Bakery, joined the Regiment to go to Castlemartin Ranges with C (11H) Sqn in November.
Following on from this, Matt became one of the first Tp Ldrs to be involved in the re-organised D Sqn and took over 2nd Tp with a
busy FOE of exciting events ahead of him. Unfortunately, this was not to be and Matt, like everyone else, was sent home off the back of D Sqn’s successful first Range package in the new era. Lockdown came and went, and Matt returned to work for the great Covid war and the deployment to Liverpool, where he spent his days coming up with new and exciting ways to present testing data to an RHQ with a ceaseless hunger for tables, spreadsheets and prettily coloured diagrams.
After the winter of discontent Matt re-roled onto CVR(T) to take his place as one of the leaders of the mighty Donovian Army’s TASK FORCE HANNIBAL (OPFOR). It was in this capacity that he performed his greatest feats as a soldier, damaging the KRH’s physical component with well-planned NLAW matrices and the moral component by being observed from the forward positions emerging from his crew shelter in the morning with a healthy stack of blue pizza boxes having clearly had a wonderful and restful night while we had all been in the exercise ‘bubble’.
Long periods of Sqn Ldr absence saw Matt gain the opportunity to park his beloved Triumph motorcycle, a vital item in so many Mess antics, in the D Sqn Ldr parking space and Matt found opportunities to wield his new authority by organising opportuni- ties for the soldiers to have fun, ride helicopters, and to have Test Match Special on the radio in the Sqn Office whenever feasible.
Matt’s last exercise was the 2022 edition of Ex IRON STORM with the Mercian BG, when he nobly offered to fill a gap in a loader’s position and demonstrated exceptional skills as a barista (occasionally a barman), and machine gunned many hapless OPFOR dismounts from his side of the tank.
Known affectionately as Fudge, Matt has been one of the most enthusiastic and popular members of the Officers’ Mess and has always had a hand in whatever is going on, being particularly and admirably invested in the looking after of Officer Cadets at Sandhurst. He was never too busy to take potential Officers (and most of the Tp Ldrs) shooting. London is calling for Matt, and we wish him the best for the future.