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the start line into Iraq was confident, well trained and equipped, and fully ready for what lay ahead. That Mike brought back all members of the Regiment was to his great credit, and the subse- quent battle honour ‘Al Haniyah’ awarded to the Regiment was a fitting tribute to him and all members of the Battlegroup. Robert Fox, our embedded Daily Telegraph war reporter, wrote that ‘the 14/20H was the most friendly and quietly capable frontline fight- ing unit that he had ever accompanied on active service.’ Mike justifiably took pride in this, a reflection perhaps of his own style of quiet but professional leadership. He was awarded the OBE for his operational command of the Battlegroup, and a bar to the Regimental Medal first awarded for his services to equestrianism.
On return to Munster, preparations for Options for Change and the forthcoming amalgamation demanded considerable planning, communication and sensitivity. That so much was achieved with- out rancour, in good spirit and a genuine determination to meet the requirements of every individual wherever possible reflected Mike’s own sensible approach and direction. He handed over command of a regiment determined to make its amalgamation work, and professionally well prepared to confidently meet all future demands made of it.
In 1993 he returned on promotion to the MoD and back into the familiar world of Operational Requirements. His final job before retiring in late 1996 was with the Recce Bde.
Civilian life saw him back as a consultant in a Canadian firm spe- cialising in military equipment and, when this was taken over by General Dynamics, he remained with GD as a salaried employee for several years. His final employment was CEO for Lady Grover’s Fund providing healthcare benefits to officers’ families, so typical of Mike that he wanted to help people who found them- selves in difficulties. He leaves his wife Suzie and three children Jonathan, Tom, and Katie. He was deeply interested and involved with their developing lives, hugely proud of their achievements and loved nothing more than the happy chaos of a family gather- ing at Knighton Farm. He will be remembered with great affec- tion by all who served with him.
The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 117
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