Page 34 - KRH 2022 CREST
P. 34

                                  32 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
 Command Troop
Following Command Troop validating as the Command and Control function for the Lead Armoured Battlegroup on Ex IRON STORM, the New Year’s focus was all about getting ready
for Operations. The Troop remains in fine fettle and continues to relish every opportunity to complete the ritualistic ‘tents up, tents down’, fix an officer’s radios by simply switching them on, and make high profile visitors cold brews.
Ex DEFENDER 22 marked C2’s first test of 2022 and was a BG deployment to Poland after taking over equipment in Germany. As always Command Troop stepped up to the plate to ensure the BGHQ were facilitated and that the supersized, three nation com- bined arms Battle Group could communicate, or at least as well as could be expected with BOWMAN...
In Germany Command Troop split into two groups to hando- ver the vehicles required for the exercise. Cpl Robson-Cross and LCpl Tolfrey were sent to Paderborn to facilitate taking on the wheeled fleet, while SSgt Lees and his band of merry (if not very willing) men made their way to Monchengladbach to take over the armoured fleet. Although the two teams were in differ- ent locations, they managed to conduct identical extra curricula activities, involving many steins and even more kebabs. With vehicles taken over it, inches to waistlines added (and Tolfrey’s belt loosened) and the RSWO finally deploying, it was now time for the Troop to prove their worth on the field of battle (the dust bowl of DPTA).
Command Troop began conducting ‘sets and reps’ in set ups Bronze, Silver and Gold for both Planning Cycles and Execute. By the end of the four weeks the Troop were so slick at this that the Troopers could wake up (usually to the complaining of the BG COS), erect a tent, remote radios and make the Adjutant another black coffee, and be back in their doss bags; having drunk a can of green monster and smoked another cigarette, all within 60 minutes!
On return from Ex DEFENDER, Command Troop bid farewell to RSO Capt Heelas-Jorgensen as he left the Army and welcomed (the almost always absent) Capt Turner into the role.
As the sun set on Summer and deployment on Op CABRIT in September loomed, Command Troop saw fit to ‘test’ the new RSO... through the medium of Go-Cart. With Sgt Freitag win- ning the day’s races it was off to the legendary Ram in Tidworth before heading for a curry. After the meal the RSO attempted to slink back to the Mess, however, apprehended by the Command Troop Corporals he was subjected to a long evening of Jager Bombs and pointers on how to run the Troop.
With the Troop now content with their leadership, they got about deploying to Estonia.
The flash to bang was almost instantaneous with the Troop deploying on four exercises within the first six weeks of deploy- ment, a pace of life that has been a constant during our time here. This has resulted in an efficient troop able to provide comms between, UK, Estonian, French, Danish and now US Forces!
A highlight of the initial throws of Op CABRIT was the Commanding Officer visiting the Tank Park to promise Command Troop the first run of the highly coveted Carinthia Jackets. As yet, no jackets have materialised and rumours are rife that they have been sold by the QM on eBay.
The tour hasn’t all been G6 and supporting BGHQ, we have found time to do fun and interesting activities such as Urban Navigation Exercises in the capital Tallinn, Battlefield Studies to Narva, Trench Fighting Exercises (after which Tpr Mallone’s father, ‘Bugsy’, texted the RSO asking why his son was complain- ing of being hungry...) and partaking in numerous fitness contests (in which, much to the delight of the RSO, we beat Recce Troop!).
Christmas saw personalities from Command Troop taking the lead with the BG’s ‘enforced fun’, the tour’s highlights were the RSO’s table tennis tournament, despite a 100euro paddle his skills remain average at best, and Cpl R-C MC’ing a karaoke night in the HQ Sqn lines.
The Troop will remain deployed in Estonia until March 23 where they will return to some well deserved POTL and thereafter a
 Regimental Re-ORBAT. Hussar.
 Command Troop breaking into a Trench System on Ex LIGHTNING WARRIOR

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