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The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
The King’s Royal Hussars
Editor: Maj JSP Williamson
The Officers’ Mess ........................................... 51 The Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess... 56 The Corporals’ Mess ........................................ 58 Ex ALPINE HAWK........................................ 59 Ex COBURG PILGRIMAGE ........................ 61 Ex BALTIC EXPRESS ................................... 62 Ex GAUNTLET RISE .................................... 66 Ex NORKSKI .................................................. 71 Ex CENTAURE CHALLENGE 2022 ........... 72 Danish Exchange ............................................. 74 Sports................................................................. 75
Ex LION’S CHALLENGE ........................ 75 Football ......................................................... 76 Rugby ............................................................ 78 Kayaking – a work in progress... ............... 79 Enduro – Hussars on 2 wheels.................... 79 Boxing ........................................................... 80 Cresta Hawk ................................................. 81
ERE ................................................................... 82 A Hawk in Infrastructure............................ 82 A Hawk Learning Lessons......................... 83 A Hawk in Requirements........................... 84 A Hawk in Edinburgh................................. 85
Affiliations, Bonds of Friendship
and Associations............................................... 87
Royal Gurkha Rifles..................................... 87 The Royal Wessex Yeomanry...................... 88 Number IX (Bomber) Squadron ................ 89
Volume 29
Foreword by The Colonel-in-Chief
HRH The Princess Royal.................................. 3
Foreword by The Colonel of the Regiment Brig Nick Orr ..................................................... 4
Foreword by Colonel Commandant,
The Royal Armoured Corps
Maj Gen Nick Perry DSO MBE ....................... 5
Foreword by The Commanding Officer,
Lt Col Will Hodgkinson MBE.......................... 6
Regimental Diary of Major Events 2022.......... 7 Regimental Notes............................................... 8 Honours and Awards ....................................... 10 C (11H) Squadron ............................................ 13 A (xHx) Squadron ............................................ 17 B (XIV) Squadron ............................................ 24 D (XRH) Squadron.......................................... 26 Headquarter’s Squadron.................................. 29
Reconnaisance Troop................................... 30 Command Troop .......................................... 32 The Quartermaster’s Department .............. 34 Quartermaster (Technical) .......................... 36 Motor Transport........................................... 38 Training Wing .............................................. 40 Welfare .......................................................... 41 Light Aid Detachment ................................ 43 RAO Department......................................... 45 Regimental Aid Post .................................... 46 Catering Department................................... 47 Gym ............................................................... 49 The Chaplain’s Year ..................................... 50
The Worshipful Company of Salters’:
Royal Jubilees and trees .............................. 92
Cambrai Company, Hampshire &
Isle of Wight ACF ....................................... 93
The Regimental Association ........................... 94 Regimental Trust.......................................... 96
HorsePower – The Museum of The King’s Royal Hussars............................................... 97
The Daughter of the Regiment
– Rose Summerell ........................................ 99 Valetes.............................................................. 104 Lest We Forget ........................................... 108 Obituaries........................................................ 110 The King’s Royal Hussars............................. 118 Regimental Council ................................... 118 Home Headquarters................................... 118 Regimental Headquarters ......................... 118 C (11H) Squadron ...................................... 119 A (xHx) Squadron...................................... 119 B (XIV) Squadron...................................... 120 D (XRH) Squadron.................................... 120 HQ (XXVI) Squadron ............................... 121 Regimental Light Aid Detachment ......... 121 Regimental Admin Office ......................... 122 Regimental Aid Post .................................. 122 Regimental Logistic Support.................... 122 Officers at ERE............................................... 124 Soldiers at ERE .............................................. 126 Marriages & Civil Partnerships ................ 128 Births........................................................... 128
The editor welcomes contributions and comments from readers:
© Crown Copyright: This publication contains official information. It should be treated with discretion by the recipient. The opinions expressed in the articles in this jour- nal are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy and views official or otherwise, of the Regiment or the Ministry of Defence. No responsibil-
ity for the goods or services advertised in this journal can be accepted by the Regiment, publishers or printers and advertisements are included in good faith.
Published by Crest Publications, 12 Brooklands Court, Kettering Venture Park, Kettering, Northants NN15 6FD Tel: 01536 317000 • Email: