Page 42 - KRH 2022 CREST
P. 42
40 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
Training Wing
The Training Wing has had a very successful year, initially under the leadership of Capt Chris Pople, who handed over to Capt Mike Oldfield in March. There has also been some considerable movement of SNCOs both in and out of the train- ing wing; SSgt Gainford, Sgt Bates, Sgt Taylor and finally SSgt Baldwin have all had a stint working in the training wing and acting as the wing 2 I/C. It must be mentioned that throughout all this movement of characters there has been one constant, Cpl Fletcher. Now heading into his 3rd year within the Wing, adding really value as well as some cutting banter along the way. It would also be remiss not to mention Cpl Campbell who joined us in late August. WO2 John Galletly RLC, the Safety WO have also pro- vided considerable support to our output over the last 12 months. A great, if somewhat changed team across the year.
So, what have we done for the Regiment over the last 12 months you may ask; the training wing have provided the course con- vening, safe running, and even safer management of over 50 dis- tributed courses. These range from the usual
Challenger 2 gunnery and loaders courses, but also include a range of vehicle driving and commanding courses. At the other end of the course list are the team medic, poten- tial NCO and signals courses, all of which are vital to a Regiment training for and deploying on operations. In addition, the training wing staff have also overseen instruction across all pre-course training for our soldiers who have required it prior to attending a centralised courses in Bovington. These are just a few of our more visible outputs.
Tank crews practicing track maintenance, in testing conditions as part of their training progression on Op CABRIT 11
and courses. It is worth noting that even with the Regiment deployed on Operations, there has been no lack of soldiers being flown back to the UK to attend vitally important
All RAC recruits are currently enrolled on
the RAC L2 Apprenticeship scheme, this is
an evolving series of training events, which end shortly after a new trooper arrives at RD in a formal “End Point Assessment” before the national L2 award can be given. This is due to return to the L2 Engineering and Maintenance qualification of old in the next 12 months, and this change back is very well anticipated by our young troopers. Some of you may well remember Dave Bayne (Ex KRH) who has managed the Babcock contract side of the apprenticeship scheme for us since 2009. He is still providing excellent service to the Regiment years after leaving the Army, and his efforts are very much appreciated.
During the Regiment’s deployment to Estonia SSgt Baldwin, only recently returned to RD from the gunnery School in Lulworth, deployed forward to oversee training area Live Firing
The 2022 Training wing team
Cpl Fletcher; lost in gunnery
career courses. Something that is not always achievable when the Regiment is deployed.
Looking forward into the next year, the Training Wing will wave a fond farewell to Cpl Fletcher, who plans to leave us and try his luck (literally) as a Police officer with Wiltshire Constabulary, we wish him all the very best of luck. At the time of writing the Regiment are still deployed on Op CABRIT 11, and are due to return in March. After a brief period of leave we will once again launch into a full training package. The Training Wing will remain the lead for all unit courses and will support the Regiments’ needs without a break in stride.
SSgt Baldwin, the RGSS working on Sight Alignment for the Battlegroup
Mr David Bayne
– the apprenticeship stalwart