Page 51 - KRH 2022 CREST
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2022 has been a fantastic year for the gymnasium and its staff having seen the uplift of new gym equipment allowing the reg- iment’s PT staff to conduct, deliver and develop the unit physical training to a higher standard. We also saw the successful integra- tion of the Strength and Conditioning shelter allowing a higher levels to be delivered to the unit as they moved towards deploy- ment on OP CABRIT 11.
In September the regiment came together for the annual D’Arcy Hall athletics competition, this saw athletes from all Squadrons enter their respective track or field events to secure points for their team to gain the title of D’Arcy Hall 2022 Champions. The com- petition was fantastic, and the squadrons rallied behind their ath- letes which bought out some amazing talent but, in the end, it was HQ Squadron that would come out on top and take the 2022 title. September also marked the change of Regimental RAPTCI with SSgt Longden moving on to a new career in the civilian world. In his time with us he had made a huge impression on all with his knowledge of Physical Training and his professional management of sport and the preparation for the Op CABRIT deployment, we would like to thank him for his time with the KRH.
The KRH battlegroup deployed on OP CABRIT 11 in September where they quickly settled in and began to continue conduct- ing PT, the regiment’s PTIs made a seamless adaptation to their delivery of PT from Tidworth to smaller, less well equipped, gyms on Camp Tapa in Estonia. The focus has has been to maintain the regiments aerobic capacity and training outdoors as much as pos- sible before the snow arrived, and oh did it arrive. In November the snow fell heavily and forced training (and most activity) inside where the team again reacted to the change and began to focus on maintain the unit’s strength and muscular endurance.
The KRH battlegroup have been extremely busy with sports dur- ing the OP CABRIT 11 deployment with personnel taking part in the Estonian Defence Force Sports Day, The Estonian Defence Force Indoor Rowing Championships and traveling to EFP Latvia to take part in EX BALTIC WARRIOR (a 20km march and 15km canoe whilst carrying 15kg). The pace didn’t end there the build up to Christmas period started with the KRH boxing night.
This event saw the majority of the battlegroup travel down to Rakvere sports stadium to watch boxers from across the KRH battlegroup and eFP contributing nations competing (including the Latvian and Lithuanian BGs). The 12-bout event was sup- ported by the Army Boxing Association, who flew out to help offi- ciate the night, along with a full media team live streaming to the UK with playback on the big screen. It is worth noting that the live stream had over 2000 people watching live during the even- ing. The event was a huge success for KRH battlegroup.
Christmas week started off with the Brackenbury trophy, with the troopers coming out on top with an EPIC 9-0 victory over the JNCOs in front of a full stadium of EFP personnel. The EFP BAWF Team event was a huge success with over 90 entries from all subunits and other nations, teams would compete against each other in their respective heats, scoring points for their performance in 3 physically testing qualifying workouts, before progressing into the final workout. C Sqn, led by Lt Watts, just missed out on top spot on the podium by 2 points but equally demonstrating the fantastic resilience and teamwork withing the KRH Squadrons. A huge mention must go out to members of the HQ squadron Tug of war team who dominated the field on Christmas eve to be Crowned EFP Champions.
All in all, this has been outstanding year of sport and training for the regiment; with a busy 2023 ahead, there is no doubt there is more success in sports and physical training just around the cor- ner after some well-deserved post tour leave.
The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 49