Page 63 - KRH 2022 CREST
P. 63

                                Ex COBURG PILGRIMAGE
Ex COBURG’S PILGRIMAGE saw 62 soldiers from C Squadron venture to southern Germany for a multi-activity AT package over the course of 2 weeks in June 2022. The exercise took place in sunny Bavaria with kayaking, hill walking, klettersteig-ing (that’s probably how it’s spelt) and rock climbing all on offer.
Following 6 weeks deployed in Germany and Poland on Ex DEFENDER 22, the Senior Squadron had earned some well- deserved AT. This was facilitated through staying in Drei Mühlen lodge – one of two lodges in Southern Germany owned and run by ATGA – with 3 enthusiastic civilian instructors from Slovenia and a Fusiliers Sgt providing us with their careful guidance through the mountains of southern Bavaria.
The first group of 32 soldiers and officers were blessed with glo- rious sunshine throughout the first week, embracing the round- robin of AT on offer, allowing everyone to gain experiences of the different disciplines.
On the first day the klettersteigers and rock climbers were find- ing their feet and getting to grips with the heady heights of the Bavarian Alps. Much to the delight of Tpr Mark, the kletter- steigers kept on climbing when the rock climbers descended, leaving them over 400m above the valley floor for a spot of lunch, their iron stomachs unperturbed by the dizzying height.
Meanwhile down in the valley, the kayaking group drove to the start point, unloading their kayaks at Westerhofen lake, where they spent a few hours learning the essential basics of kayaking, including but not limited to: bumper-boats and sinking. After the ‘crash-course’ the budding kayakers dragged their vessels a short distance to take on the gentle rapids of the Iller river. No sooner than paddles touched the water Cpl Bellingham found himself capsized, bobbing steadily downstream, shortly followed by Tpr Pyke and Cfn Simon... wondering if they should have paid more attention to the instructor. After some quick remedial training the boys were back on the water making good progress down the 7km course stretch of river.
One valley over, the hill walkers were taking in the beautiful pan- oramas and fresh mountain air. A steep and winding ascent took the second group, led by the sure-footed Tpr Pennial, to “the most beautiful picnic spot in the world” as noted by Tpr Scammell, for some light refreshment before descending the far side.
The two weeks were made particularly enjoyable using the fan- tastic facilities and equipment available at Drei Mühlen lodge coupled with the exceptionally friendly and accommodating staff.
LCpl Lovegrove even said, “this was the first time I have enjoyed hill walking with the Army, you can quote me on that.”
On the return trip to Sennelager a short detour was made to the town of Coburg, the ancestral home of the 11th Hussars. Naturally the first stop was Coburg castle, the seat of house Saxe-Coburg- Gotha, with the intention of locating the renowned Coburg Tower. After scouring the castle with little success, the Senior Squadron spread across the town searching high and low to no avail. The elusive tower would remain unfound, having to wait for another year and another AT trip until C Sqn find their lost emblem.
Tpr Degei taking to klettersteiging like a fish to water
The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 61
    Tprs Myburgh, Hardacre, Theone, Shortland and Chatterly- Russel on their way to find a picnic stop
 The Senior Squadron at Coburg Castle

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