Page 90 - KRH 2022 CREST
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                                88 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
 The Royal Wessex Yeomanry
Even for a regiment with tight links to the King’s Royal Hussars, 2022 has had a particularly crimson shade. WO1(RSM) Oldfield left us on commissioning, to be succeeded by WO1(RSM) Buglass. We are incredibly fortunate to have the services of such top-quality leaders; their impact on our reserve soldiers as role models and coaches is huge. After a career major- ing in Close Recce and instructing Gunnery, Mr Buglass imme- diately stepped well outside his comfort zone on arrival with us, taking the lead on our turn as lead regiment for Cavalry Memorial Parade, before turning his attention to our own Platinum Jubilee Parade at Cirencester Park. Before the year was over, he had taken part in two planned Royal visits, including a stint driving for the Metropolitan Police close protection detail, dinner with the Earl of Wessex and a surprise chat with The King on a quiet Sunday morning in Gloucestershire.
Maj Paul Taylor ended his regular career as QM and moved direct to Exeter as D Sqn’s Permanent Staff Admin Officer, joining Capt Geordie Kennedy (at B Sqn) and Capt Wayne Price (at C Sqn) as the key full-time managers out in the countryside. Having 3 out of 5 of these posts filled by regimental contemporaries is of real benefit and underlines the strong links between KRH and RWxY. Maj Dave Barclay, who has continued to serve as Executive Officer, completes the KRH LE cohort, deputising for the Commanding Officer and Second in Command during the work- ing week and providing regular leadership for the Permanent Staff Instructors. Behind the scenes but very much a part of the engine that keeps the regiment moving is WO2 Astley, the Motor Transport Warrant Officer. He is now a veritable expert in the management of vehicles and driver training. SSgt(SQMS) Leach is the longest-serving ex-Hussar on our books; he currently has his work cut out preparing to extract D Sqn from Barnstaple as they fall back into their new home in Wyvern Barracks, Exeter.
Dispersed across the Squadrons, working alongside peers from The Royal Tank Regiment and The Queen’s Royal Hussars, Sergeant Barton and Sergeant Leach have both worked particu- larly hard to support their Squadrons with routine training and administration; both now have deep experience of working with reserves and the challenges of effectively supporting and covering part-time Officers and SNCOs, without taking on all of the heavy
CO and 2IC happy in the field
Sgt Andy Barton KRH and Sgt Dave Clifford RWxY
The perennially communicative SSgt Burt Lancaster
  lifting. WO2 Saunders, our Regimental Signals Warrant Officer, has continued to provide indispensable service in RHQ, taking responsibility for Command and Information Systems train- ing, accounting and advice but also taking on a range of work that simply needs to be done, including supporting our Social Media efforts, enabling recruiting. This has put him right on the CO’s Main Effort and has required some long hours and deep patience trying to get advertisements accepted by Meta and their algorithms.
Last, but by no means least, LCpl Hooker has been with us for another year. Ostensibly the CO’s Driver, gapped Civil Service posts in the QM’s department have created a higher priority and “TJ” has been crucial in keeping our G4 show on the road.
On the reserve side of the regiment, older Hussars would recog- nise a range of faces. SSgt Kirkbride, SSgt Lancaster, Sgt Culley and Cpl Baron continue to serve as part-time tank commanders and have provided strong leadership within their squadrons, fit- ting in their commitments around their busy day jobs. Maj Ed Hodges continues to serve as Regimental Second in Command; his highlight for the year was parading on horseback at the head of the regiment to celebrate his birthday; he was also the driving force behind a superb Valentines’ Ball held by the Officers’ Mess at the Pump Rooms, in Bath. Lt Col Ant Sharman took command of the regiment in June, completing a straight flush of CO, 2IC and RSM.
Going the other way, RWxY has provided Lt James Ashworth and Cpl Sherring on mobilisation for Op CABRIT this year. Growing this output over the long term is an absolute priority; not only must we recruit more soldiers, but it is key that we specifically find those potential reservists with the time and inclination to give up their time to deploy alongside their regular counterparts. In addition to these adventurous youngsters, we will always have room for KRH officers and soldiers leaving full-time service who bring the knowledge, qualifications and enthusiasm to lead and train them.
  RSM Wayne Buglass – nice to see the RSM in uniform...

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