Page 15 - 2003/04 AMA Winter
P. 15
scg©thigh on whit©
Haute Route by Capt Simon Ash )F!AGON 26 Apr - 06 May 03
risk of if one fell it was likely to bowl the unhappy folk climbing below. We were all tired by now but the thought of refreshment spurred us on and it was not long before we were in the Trient hut admiring the magnificent view without the distraction of hyperventilation or a heart attack.
Wednesday morning and we awoke before five to the hut stumbling into action. The forecast was bad and everyone was making a dash for the Val d'Arpette before the clouds broke. A quick breakfast and then it was a scramble for the kit in the dark. Outside the air was bracing and the visibility was reducing. It was dark and a white out, a catch 22 situation. If you did not use your light it was too dark to see, and if you did use your light it reflected straight back and you still could not see! The first major descent was full of slightly out of control rucksack-assisted projectiles. Our troubles were not over here though. We made the Col, but as almost as soon as we started down the valley it started to rain. Once in the valley we were surrounded on all sides by avalanche prone slopes. We kept our distance as we hopped from one safer spot to another. It was not long before we were at a level where trees and rocks were on the increase and snow was on the decrease. Our “combat skiing” skills were tested as we fought through bushes, across streams and over rocks. With the rain aswell it felt like a good day's skiing in the