Page 5 - 2003/04 AMA Winter
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The AMA owns a set of radio equipment for use by its members and others. The set consists of eight hand held Motorola GP68 VHF sets, one
vi Gm350 VHF base station, solar panels, video battery charger and all the ancillaries. This service has been provided by the AMA from the contributions you make as members of the association, therefore the equipment is yours and you should make full use of it. The set has been tested world wide and found to give excellent service in the mountains. The hand sets (5W output) provides a good line of sight service up to 5km and more when used with the base station’s 25W output. The set, or part set, is available by booking it through the Publications Editor, Steve Willson, with the following conditions.
AMAExpeditionRadio Set and Digital
1 Bythe Journal Editor
Another journal another editor. Hopefully trawls permitting I will be able to remain in post for a couple of years at least. Many thanks to Steve Wilson and Dave Reith for their recent efforts and the production of a first rate journal.
For the Winter 03 edition I hope we have captured the spirit of the AMA. The articles cover the full spectrum of mountaineering activities; the epic NORTHERN CHALLENGE, ski mountaineering, sport climbing and trekking the John Muir Trail. They also reflect the diverse nature of our membership with articles from regulars, territorials and cadets and an excellent interview with one of our Honorary Vice Presidents, Sir Chris Bonington.
Enjoy the Journal and enjoy the winter. Cheers
Howie Barnes
Submission Requirements
There will continue to be two Journals per year, submission deadlines are 1st January and 1st June with the Journal hitting your doormat approximately six weeks later. Please keep sending me your articles - anything; reports, opinions, reviews, comments and lots of photos.
Rules - not many.
Text should be sent electronically - floppy, CD or e- mail.
Photographs can be prints, slides or digital (floppy, CD or e-mail).
Always include captions for your photographs. Submissions should be sent by post to:
Camera For Hire! RADIOS
1. The radios must be insured by the expedition for the replacement cost, details on request.
2 A hire fee, to cover maintenance and renewal, of between £50, for part of the set, up to £150 for the whole set paid to the AMA on collection.
3, The expedition must book their own frequencies through which ever country they are visiting and then inform the Publications Editor to program the radios prior to collection.
The equipment is very good and it will improve the command and control of any expedition not to mention the increased safety cover.
The AMA has added a Nikon 990 Coolpix digital camera to it’s collection. This is a very high quality professional device that is capable of capturing impressive images that can be used for web pages, presentations or just snaps of your climbing. Any member of the AMA can hire this equipment for £25 (up to a month) or £50 (up to two months) for use on climbing/walking trips. The AMA Journal is also always in need of quality images and the camera will be available at AMA meets to capture the action. This will be at nil cost to the meet organiser.
If you have any questions about the radio set, digital camera or their availability please give the Steve Willson a call on 94561 3453 or 01412 243453 email - Please make use of this kit!
Maj H C Barnes
S02 CSS, CAST(S), Warminster, BA12 0DJ
Or electronically to: or on the military net to: