Page 65 - QARANC Vol 20 No 3 2023
P. 65

                                 Remembrance 2023
Field of Remembrance, Thursday 9 November, Westminster Abbey and Gardens
Royal British Legion Cenotaph Parade, Sunday 12 November Horse Guards Parade
Closing date for applications: 4 August 2023
First name Address
Mr /
Miss /
Mrs /
Ms /
Phone no.
Date of birth .........................................................................Place of birth
Decorations Surname
Postcode Mobile no.
    Please note that for security reasons we are required to pass your personal details to The Royal British Legion for the purpose of processing your application to attend. They will not use it for any other purpose. Submission of this form implies your consent.
I am a member of the QARANC Association and would like to attend the Field of Remembrance. All Association members, serving and retired, are invited to attend.
I am retired QARANC personnel and would like to join the RBL Cenotaph Parade. Association tickets for this event are for retired QARANC personnel only.
We are usually asked by the BBC to provide contact details of retired QAs who may have an interesting story to tell. If you are interested please tick the consent box below.
I consent to my contact details and this information being passed to the BBC. Please note that this does not guarantee they will be in touch and is outside our control.
Please note this is an editable PDF and can be completed electronically and emailed to
Completed forms should be returned to: Email: or post to Regimental Headquarters QARANC, Robertson House, Slim Road, Camberley GU15 4NP Applications will be acknowledged by email.
Use of your personal information - Personal information you provide to the Association is only processed and held by the Association to enable it to perform its functions. It will be held securely to safeguard privacy, and only accessed by those responsible for providing the services of the Association. All personal information will be processed in line with Data Protection laws. Our full privacy statement can be found at
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation – 1163821

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