Page 49 - Mercian – Year of 2019
P. 49

LCpl Roughton
During an already busy period for 2 Merican in September, B (MALTA) Company deployed on Exercise Aetos Fury. With
all the operations that come with being deployed to Cyprus, Ex AETOS FURY
was a good opportunity for both the more senior soldiers and for the soldiers new to the Company to brush up on skills and drills needed for future operations.
On the first day we deployed at 1800hrs via TCV to our first DOP 1Km away from our harbour area. Once established in the harbour, each section was sent out on recce patrols to find enemy locations and report them back to the CoC.
The morning of the second day saw
all patrols back in, and the basics of morning routine conducted. However, this administration time didn’t last long. Shortly after we had orders to move to our next harbour location. Once there, we fell straight into routine for most of the day. Then just after last light (shock, any chance?) the
fun began. As the night and the tiredness
crept in the 2IC gave the Platoons orders. 5 Platoon was to conduct standing patrols.
After conducting a Platoon move to a lie up area, we would push out the standing patrols. On arrival to the area the bergans were cached under the Pl Sgt and a rear admin protection
OC Conducting the Estimate
CSM who instantly put the Pl Sgts to work. Also joining us here was the PWRR platoon who would be joining us for the rest of the Exercise in preparation for their future attachment to B Company during the upcoming Exercise in Kuwait.
 group and the patrols pushed out. From this position we were able to mutually support one another throughout the long night ahead. As morning fell over
The attack began at around 0100hrs and went on right through until first light
After the harbour
was established, we began to dig a model
in preparation for an attack on Paramali village. This was to be a night operation as well as the Company’s first attack in Cyprus with a
 the back area we
were greeted by an amazing sunrise and a short opportunity to reflect on the night’s activities. We collapsed our positions
and moved back to the lie up area to re- constitute as a Platoon. Finally, we were welcomed by the sound of TCVs and the assurance we would be moving on again.
On arrival at the Company harbour we were greeted by none other than the
new CoC. It went very well.
Our next Op was to destroy En positions
including C2 Nodes in a very demanding valley. Arduous terrain proved hard going for the Coy as we sustained some injuries throughout. The attack began at around 0100hrs and went on right through until first light - a very long night indeed. Upon returning to the harbour we had time to conduct some personal admin and more importantly get some head down. Luckily in Cyprus the green time machine is not required through the day. However, at around 0030hrs the enemy, being the sneaky little prawns that they are, began probing our harbour area. I say probing, they somehow managed to get to the coy CP where they were greeted by the coy 2IC. Thankfully, being the rigid man that he is, he was already in the squatting position with 25mm eye relief. The EN was quickly defeated.
Following these events, the Company received orders. We were going back
to Paramali village. The OC’s direction
was to defeat the enemy in record time! Another night insertion and early morning attack. 56 minutes later, the enemy had been defeated, Paramali village had been secured, and B Company had completed its first Exercise in Cyprus with its new OC.
 B (MALTA) Coy, End Ex, Ex Aetos Fury, Paramali Village, Cyprus, 20 Sep 2019

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