Page 54 - Mercian – Year of 2019
P. 54

 OC: Capt Thomas Reynolds
 Mortar Platoon
WO2 David Lennon
The 2 MERCIAN Mortar Platoon has been through many changes this year with both the Pl Comd and 2IC changing over. Capt Sam Camp has replaced
Capt Matt Gledhill who has since left the Army - WO2 Dave Lennon has replaced WO2 (Now Capt) Sean Leach who
has commissioned into The Mercian Regiment. Sgt Hirst promoted to CSgt
as the Unit Welfare SNCO and Cpl Lymer finally promoted... but still complains. There has been plenty of movement within the ranks as we welcomed some new members to the Platoon from across the Battalion and the wider KINGS Division.
We conducted a Mortar Cadre in March at Warcop in the North West of
England. This was crucial in maintaining our specialist capability as we cannot conduct live fire mortar training in Cyprus, and it is imperative we are qualified as we transition from a year of Cyprus Ops to the Regional Standby Bn, where we could be asked to deploy anywhere within the Middle East.
 Returning to the UK to conduct the training was a relatively complex process, the logistical planning and transferring
of our kit and equipment, liaising with several units MT departments took time and wasn’t without friction, however it enabled our effective training and sets us up well for our upcoming cadre in 2020. The training package saw us completing 2 weeks of lessons and tests to get the soldiers to the required standard to live fire the 81mm Mortar. We then spent a week live firing, this took the Mortar Line from basic shoots up to the ACMT, we also integrated shoots
with 4 MERCIAN
Mortar Pl, culminating
in a live fire company
attack with mortar
and GPMG SF Fire
Support. Whilst in
Warcop we also used
the time to hone our shooting skills and complete some small arms ranges as our build up to LFTT after the cadre.
In September we conducted a 2-week pre-course for a number of our best soldiers attending mortar career courses in order to set them up for success.
We had soldiers attending the mortar standards, advanced and 2IC morters course. The pre-course consisted of
battle procedure, orders and mortar knowledge, FCA work and map and protractor plotting so that the candidates would be more than ready to pass
the start standards expected on their respective courses. The training package culminated with a battle exercise, allowing students to be practised as MFCs, section commanders, CPOs and on the
 mortar line.
A busy year for
the mortar platoon, which has seen them spend upwards
of five months on
the Op sites within
Cyprus and camp guard, however members of the platoon
have also represented the Battalion in many areas outside of daily commitments. Capt Camp led a DRAGON (Champion) Coy team to a Silver medal on the Cambrian Patrol, Cpl Silvers gained his Army Colours for representing the Army in Taekwondo and there are several Platoon members in both the Bn football and rugby teams.
 Cpl Lymer finally promoted... but still complains
D (Dragon) Company
As you will read below, life across the Regiment and DRAGON Coy continues at a pace with all Platoons operationally deployed in a variety of countries and training environments. It has been a busy yet exciting year for the Company – including deployments on Op TORAL as part of the RSB, Spn Wpn Cadres, reforming the Drums Pl, OTX, AT, sport, a silver on Ex Cambrian Patrol, LFTT, UBVT... and the list goes on. Amongst the 19/20 TY, we have also said goodbye to several individuals from Coy HQ – including Maj Paul Goddard who leaves us for a loan service posting to Oman – and CSgt Orton, CSgt Kauleta and CSgt Katia, all who move onto pastures new.
The 20/21 TY contains many exciting times ahead. With the move from Op TIMBERN commitments onto the RSB – it allows the Coy to come together and focus its efforts and training and progression. It is my aim to ensure that DRAGON Coy is rebuilt and fully stocked ready for Ex ASKARI STORM and Operations in the future – and
we will continue to advertise and enhance our specialist capabilities across the Unit. We now switch fire to the Sp Wpn Cadres which will take place in CYPRUS and WARCOP over the next couple of months. Watch this space.

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