Page 83 - Mercian – Year of 2019
P. 83

make it feel like everyone is out of time when they are actually playing together! For the performances, the band joined together with the Band of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers to create a combined marching display leading into the finale of the show, an intricately skilful display demonstrating how well bands can work together.
The following day they were back on parade for the 96th Annual Crich Memorial Pilgrimage, along with Derbyshire ACF Band, at Crich Memorial Tower. This year was a hot and dry one, a poignant day for honouring, remembering and celebrating our Regimental family.
In the autumn, the successful training concert “Hearts and Minds”, held at Market Drayton Festival Centre, saw the band working with guest soloists including a violinist from the
In November, the band was on their ATX based at Cosford. This enabled valuable training time for full band, marching band, and small group work. There was also time for training towards TEQ progression and to introduce concepts of
The band also has various groups
that work together to provide a varied programme of music on occasions when a full band won’t fit or is not required. This
 improvisation and blues music - they never stop learning!
As the medals were presented and the rain lashed at everyone on parade
year, the saxophone group has been
very busy playing at everything from civic receptions to dinners. The composition of this group is flexible
as many of the band’s musicians play multiple instruments. However,
The ability to ‘Stand
Firm’ was put to the test
as the band provided
the musical support for
the 4th Regiment Royal
Artillery Medal Parade,
in an extremely wet and cold Catterick. As the medals were presented and the rain lashed at everyone on parade, the music to ‘A Bridge Too Far’ seemed apt! Luckily
a good sound and programme of music is always guaranteed.
2019 has seen the following well deserved awards be presented in recognition for long service. Cpl Brad Robert and Musn Tom Cripps were presented with their Queen’s Volunteer Reserves Medals (VRSM) at Stoke Tattoo, whilst L/Cpl Adrian Hardgrave was presented with the second award clasp for his Queen’s Volunteer Reserves Medal (VRSM) – very impressive service records! CPD has been also been prominent this year, with a range of opportunities on offer, such as Corporals Cooper and Robert completing their JNCO CLM course and Musician Wykes completing his TEQ 3.
  Countess of Wessex
Strings Orchestra,
providing valuable
concert experience for
their musicians. The
band were also invited
back to the impressive
Hartlebury Castle, to perform as part of the Beating Retreat in support ABF, the Soldiers Charity, finishing just as dusk settled over the castle: well timed, or they’d not have been able to see their music!
the uniforms were dry in time for Remembrance Sunday.
On Remembrance Sunday, the sun shone down on Birmingham City Centre as the city gathered together. After
the service and laying of the wreaths, the band led the parade on a complete circuit of the Cathedral Square and past the dais, where the salute was taken by the Vice Lord Lieutenant and the Lord Mayor of
improvisation & blues music - they never stop learning!

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