Page 4 - Wish Stream Year of 2013 Digital Edition
P. 4
Commandant’s Introduction
Major General Stuart Skeates, CBE
Whoever proposed combining the Oficers’ Training Corps (OTC),
the Army Oficer Selection Board (AOSB) and the Royal Military
Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) into a single Group deserves to have
their name retained for posterity in the form of a national holiday
or a street name. It was certainly far-sighted. Thanks to the work
of my predecessor and the dedication of the excellent permanent
staff around the Group, the synergies of this combination of ven-
erable institutions, which we now call the Sandhurst Group, are
being realised. Not only has it simpliied oficer training – particu-
larly for the Reserves – it also presents the prospect of attracting,
selecting and creating a generation of ‘agile leaders’ envisaged
by the Future Character of Conlict and demanded by Army 2020.
A bold assertion, perhaps, but one that lies at the centre of our
efforts to be relevant to tomorrow’s Army rather than yester-
day’s. First and foremost in achieving this – as ever it was – is
to provide our oficer cadets a solid
grounding in leadership. Although the
A bold assertion,
underlying ethos of the Sandhurst style
perhaps, but one
of leadership is timeless – deined by
the Academy motto of Serve To Lead
that lies at the – it has been adapted over the years
centre of our efforts to meet the needs of the Field Army
to be relevant to and it will continue to evolve. We are
currently contributing to the thinking
tomorrow’s Army. on Values Based Leadership (based
on the Army’s Core Values and Stand-
ards) which should meet many of the
challenges of Army 2020. Together with an ethical framework to
ensure our oficer cadets ‘do the right thing on a dificult day’ and
a sophisticated understanding of the particular responsibilities of
being an oficer as well as a leader, we can produce junior leaders
who truly are our ‘edge’.
And this is where the Sandhurst Trust comes in. This style of lead-
ership, our ethos and the Sandhurst brand is recognised through-
out the World; much emulated and much admired. Our overseas
alumnus numbers some 4424 from 111 different nations. Our
British alumnus, both regular and reserve, can be counted in the
tens of thousands. And through the OTC, we have the oppor-
tunity to connect with the many more who have either passed
through that fantastic institution as well as link in with the Uni-
versity sector. So it makes perfect sense that we try to link all of The key date will be the formal launch of the Sandhurst Trust here
this together in the cause of improving our understanding and at the Academy on 7th May 2014 during which CGS will give a
practice of leadership.
keynote address on Leadership in front of the next generation of
oficers and invited guests. It promises to be a memorable event
To that end there is little different from the aims and intentions of and a itting way to breathe new life into an old friend.
the Sandhurst Foundation. But timing, as they say, has a lot to
do with the outcome of a rain dance. And the implementation of
Army 2020, particularly with its focus on Defence Engagement,
means that the Trust can inally come of age. I have been struck,
but probably not surprised by how much interest there is in the Editorial board
‘Sandhurst Model’ as I have visited universities, overseas acad- Editor – Dr Christopher Mann
emies and leaders from business and commerce. The leadership Production Editor – Dr Daren Bowyer
market is as thriving as ever it was but I am sensing a shift towards
values based models in many quarters, commerce as well as the Section Editors
public sector. So there is still a great deal of mutual beneit to be Sandhurst – Sebastian Puncher
gained from the ‘Leadership Encounters’ that are the stock trade Military History – Dr Mattias Strohn
of the Trust. But with the OTC as part of the Group, we now also International Affairs – Dr David Brown
have the footprint that will allow us to break out of the South-East Leadership – Dr Stephen Deakin
and hold franchised events across the whole of the UK. And,
towards the end of the year, we will be holding the irst of what we Cover Photograph
hope will be many events for our overseas alumni in the United Mike Smith
Arab Emirates.