Page 102 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
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                                 Tribute, Brothers in Arms Memorial, Welsh Memorial, St Symphorien Cemetery, and Waterloo Battlefield, very worthwhile visit. The Branch meets at the Robin Hood Rifles Club in Nottingham
Traditions are still being made! The Stockport continue to Remember WO2 Ken Ward, who was a pillar of strength when the Stockport Branch was first formed, held the Annual Ken’s Curry Night in his memory at the ‘Chilli Massalla’ in November.
Kidderminster Branch
Kidderminster Branch members, with
their Standard & Bugle, attended a small parade to commemorate the 100 years
the Angel of peace in Kidderminster was dedicated, members of the Army cadets also attended. The branch held their summer ‘cruise’ on the Stourbridge Canal and a beautiful summer evening ensured
an excellent evening which included a fish & Chip supper and live music. The Branch benefited from the good summer weather for their Bar Be Ques held at the Shrubbery. Sadly, the weather did not hold and the Golf event was a washout, or so we are told, and the players were forced to retire to the club house. The monthly meetings are well attended and we look forward to the Christmas festivities.
Walsall Branch
Since the last report on Walsall Branch activities which was submitted at the AGM meeting during March 2022 the Branch has continued to meet bi-monthly at Rock Steady Eddie’s by kind permission of Eddie and Emma. During April members of the Branch were present along with our Standard Bearer Mr. Robert Durbin, at the annual Anzac Remembrance Service held at the Commonwealth War Cemetery on Cannock Chase.
June saw members attending the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Lighting of the Beacons at Barr Beacon Walsall, also
later in the month members attended the Flag Raising day at Walsall Town Hall to commemorate Armed Forces Day this was followed by coffee in the Mayor’s parlour. Members attended Himley Hall Armed Forces week where they joined forces
with the Kidderminster Branch to run the tombola & book stall helping to raise funds for the Association, our thanks to Jane and Philip Fairbrace also to Colin Carrington for their help on the day.
September members of the Branch were kindly invited to attend a visit to East Kirby and Woodhall Spa by the Wolverhampton Branch of The Staffordshire Regimental Association.
October Some of our members were invited to attend the SRA Annual dinner/ dance held at Wolverhampton.
On a sad note, the Branch had to notify its members of the passing of ex
Cpl Edward Newell who served with
E Company LIMV- D Company 2 MERCIAN (V) later transferring to 143 Plant Squadron Royal Engineers and also Ivan Jarvis who served with 1 MERCIAN (V) at Fallings Park Wolverhampton our thanks to Mr Derek Spink who was our Standard Bearer at both Funerals.
The Branch also thanks fellow Committee members, who without them we would not be able to function as a Branch. Our thanks to Emma and Eddie Hillback and their staff at Rock Steady Eddie’s for their continuing support throughout the year.
Branch Welfare, The Branch would also like to congratulate Mrs. Jane Fairbrace (Branch Secretary) for attending a course and qualifying to be a Mental Health First Aider (England) designed for Veterans support.
Stockport Branch
Stockport Branch has been very busy with the East Cheshire reunion which again was very successful judging from the numbers that attended. The Branch has also held
a series of midweek meetings and invited Widows and other ex-members living on their own to join them. A small group braved the long distance travelling and attended the Remembrance Day parade in Whitehall. The members also managed to fit in their usual walks programme and shooting day.

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