Page 105 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
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James Walter Fellows, born 31st August 1929, died 10th January 2022. He enlisted at Birmingham on 3rd March 1947 and served until 31st December 1952 with the South
Staffordshire Regiment. He served for two years in Hong Kong between 1941-1951. He was promoted to the substantive rank
of Sergeant (acting SSgt). Fellows later joined The Royal Hospital Chelsea on 24th October 2011 where he spent his final years before his passing.
Lt Col Thomas Ian Maule ‘Tim’ FFINCH TD died on 14 April 2022 aged 85. Tim started at Mons OTC in November 1959 and was commissioned into 2nd East Anglian Regiment as a 2Lt
in May 1960. After commanding a Plt, he became Lt, training in BAOR in October 1961. He was transferred to 5/8th Bn
The Sherwood Foresters (TA) on 12 June 1963 as Plt Comd from DSSC 2nd East Anglian Regiment (Reserve of Officers), transferring to The Mercian Volunteers in April 1967. Promoted to Capt on 1 April 1967, he assumed the appointment of
2IC of a Rifle Coy and, upon promotion to Maj in April 1970, he took Command of a Rifle Company. He transferred to 3 WFR in April 1973 and in May 1979, took over as Bn 2IC. Upon promotion to Lt Col on 10 October 1980, he took over Command of East Midlands UOTC. He became Sponsor Officer of D Coy The Mercian Volunteers from April 1984 and of D Company 4 WFR from April 1988. He was awarded the Territorial Distinction.
Paul Fisher, ex 1st Battalion The Cheshire Regiment, died on 6th December 2022.
Suzanne GABB, widow of Lt Col Michael Gabb OBE, died on 3rd June 2022.
Colonel Anthony ‘Tony’ Bailey Griffiths CBE TD JP DL, who died on 14 September 2022 at the age of 86, had been
a National Service officer in the South Staffords before embarking on 30 years of
dedication to the Territorial Army. Tony was born in December 1935
and after Wrekin College was called up
and joined 1st South Staffords in Egypt
in 1954. The Battalion then spent two
years in Cyprus during the gruelling EOKA campaign, Tony departing towards the end of the tour and moving on to the Territorials, initially with 5th South Staffords and then the Mercian Volunteers. He was CO 2nd Battalion Mercian Volunteers between 1974
and 1977 and, following promotion, was TA Colonel Western District until 1986, when he retired. He then served as Chairman West Midlands TAVRA and was Honorary Colonel 2 MERCIAN Volunteers and then 3 Staffords from 1977 to 1983. He was ADC to Her Majesty The Queen 1978-1982. He was awarded the CBE in 1991.
Tony’s very active Territorial service
was accompanied by an equally active civilian life. He was a Deputy Lieutenant
for Warwickshire from 1982 to 2011 and attended 16 Royal visits during this time. He was a Birmingham City Magistrate for two terms – 1979-1984 and 2000-2005. His support for the Staffordshire Regiment was unfailing. He was a member of the Regimental Council for very many years and Chairman of Museum Trustees. In 2013 he came out of retirement to represent the Lord Lieutenant for Staffordshire at the presentation of new colours to the Mercian Regiment.
When not on duty Tony was a very keen and active motor sportsman and cricketer. He was married to Anna, who had been widowed, for 40 years and they brought up three children, one of whom is an officer in The Rifles.
Steve Hadley enlisted into the Army in 1977 and joined 1st Battalion, The Staffordshire Regiment in Colchester and was in
A Company in Belize. He was promoted
to Corporal and served as an instructor at the Junior Infantry Battalion in Shorncliffe. He re-joined the Battalion in Gibraltar
in 1981 and served with B Company in Colchester and was a platoon sergeant
in South Armagh in 1984. By this time,
he had married Michelle and they were a popular couple in the regiment, the Warrant Officers’, Colour Sergeants’ and Sergeants’ Mess and the various garrisons that they lived in. Steve was a lifelong supporter of Wolverhampton Wanderers and galvanised his fellow supporters over many seasons. At the slightest excuse for a photo opportunity, he would gather together other supporters for a group photograph. He was immensely proud of his regiment, was exceptionally fit and led from the front. Tank Stalker, who read one of the eulogies at his funeral, said that Steve was his first section commander and remained as an inspiration throughout his career. Steve was a Colour Sergeant in Fallingbostel and was CSM of B Company in 1990. He was posted to the 3rd Battalion in 1991, but returned to 1 STAFFORDS in 1992 as TQMS and was RQMS in Chester and also served in Ballykinler. He was RSM in Tern Hill and Hong Kong in 1995 and was described as firm, but fair and approachable to all. He was commissioned on 7 April 1997. As Unit Families Officer, his easy- going manner and sense of humour helped the newlyweds, when they started married life in the regimental family.
He retired from the Army in 2000. After leaving the Army, he became Quarter Master of the Staffordshire Army Cadet
Force. His final post was Permanent staff Administration Officer with 210 Battery, Royal Artillery in Wolverhampton. Steve was a loving husband to Michelle, a devoted father to Ricky and Nadine and a doting grandfather to Corley, Kylan, Rhiannon, Emily, Alenya, Elodie Beau, Jessey Anne and Alarna. With the amazing support of Michelle and their family, he faced a heroic battle with a serious illness, which he faced with stoicism and bravery in a way that
few would. He passed away peacefully on Wednesday 5 October 2022. His funeral took place at Christ Church, Little Drayton and Telford Crematorium. The very large turnout filled both locations and many people had to stand, which is a tribute to him and his work throughout his life.
Joseph Walter Hanford died late April 2022.
Dave Hannan, Ex 1 MERCIAN Volunteers, died on 30th November 2021.
Baron Hardwick, ex 1st Battalion the Cheshire Regiment, died in November 2021.
Mrs Maureen HARGRAVE, wife of Major Andy Hargrave died on 5 November 2022.
Pte Brian ‘Adge’ HARRISON, of Hull, died on 8 March 2022, aged 83. Adge joined The Sherwood Foresters on 2 October 1956 and served in the UK, BAOR and Malaya. He was
discharged from the army on 1 October 1967.
Major Tony Hawke died on 25 September 2021 at the age of 88. He was commissioned from Sandhurst in the North Staffords in July 1953. Following amalgamation with the South Staffords
in 1959 he was posted as Mortar Officer to 11th King’s African Rifles in Kenya.
He returned to 1 Staffords in 1962, the Battalion being in Kenya, a tour which included suppression of the mutiny in the army of the newly independent Uganda.
Tony’s service with 1 Staffords,
which included command of
Headquarter Company, Training Company and Support Company, ended in 1969. Thereafter he served as Training Officer or Training Major at the Mercian Brigade Depot Lichfield, 3 UDR, 2 MERCIAN Volunteers, 8 UDR, HQ BAOR and the REME Apprentices College. Throughout his Army life Tony was an excellent shot, especially with the pistol, with which he once represented England. His final appointment before retirement in February 1988 was Camp Commandant Dusseldorf Station. He then took up a

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