Page 28 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
P. 28

 Pl Cmd Capt N Olive Pl Sgt WO2 S Franks
                                  Mortar Platoon
It has been an extremely varied and interesting year for the soldiers of
1 MERCIAN Mortar Platoon. The year started with preparations for Ex IRON STORM, including mortar live firing and synthetic training in Germany, followed by concurrent deployments on Op INTERFLEX in Kent and the IRON STORM final
exercise on Salisbury Plain. In addition,
the soldiers somehow managed to fit in some parachuting, climbing and mountain biking as a rare departure from conventional training, welcomed 2 MERCIAN soldiers following the Regimental amalgamation, and Sgt Strong and other members of the Platoon worked hard driving ambulances in support of the Welsh Ambulance Service.
The year begun with a live firing package before heading back to Sennelager. Following a short and unusually uneventful trip into Paderborn, the soldiers were
keen to get to work and demonstrate their capabilities as part of the 1 MERCIAN
Battle Group. On return to the UK,
the Ex IRON STORM live fire exercise presented an excellent opportunity for a
bit of competition within the Platoon, with external observers judging the mortar lines, allowing the different lines to challenge their counterpart’s performance. Bolstered by the return of Sgt Strong and the deployment
of Sgt Naulu, and with the expertise of
Sgt Rai, Sgt Prasad and Cpl Burke acting as MFC’s, the Platoon again performed
very well and seemingly enjoyed their
time in Castlemartin, which is very odd. Deployed as a light role platoon, the soldiers exceeded expectations by keeping up with the fast pace of an armoured battle group. Using wheeled Troop Carrying Vehicles to move the mortar lines, the sections were able to bring their barrels into action quickly, providing accurate mortar fire in a timely
manner in support of the rifle companies. With WO2 Franks, Sgt Strong and Sgt
Thapa Magar along with several others deployed on EX IRON STORM, the remainder of the Platoon deployed on Op INTERFLEX with optimism and a sense
of excitement at being used for such an important task. With most of the mortarmen stepping up at least one rank, it is fair to say that the Platoon performed outstandingly. Working at section level gave many of our NCO’s the opportunity to work within a rifle company construct for the first time and it was an excellent opportunity for our NCO’s to exercise their command and leadership skills. Sgt Fisher often found himself in role as Platoon Commander and Cpl Jones held every command appointment possible at one time or another (and secretly enjoyed it). LCpl’s Mercer, Lesubulumai, Stratford and Minns stepped up to deliver excellent training from the outset with the addition of Cpl’s Binks, Burke and Pun Magar making the mortar contingent even stronger.
Although the loss of the 2nd Battalion is
not what anybody wanted, it is fair to say that the Mortar Platoon has done very well from it. It is also the beginning of a period of change within the Platoon as people move on and others qualify to serve in different roles. With mortars initially losing CSgt Rai to the CIS platoon, mortars stalwart Sgt Strong will also be lost to 4 MERCIAN, followed by Sgt Fisher who will become a Platoon Sgt at the Army Training Regiment Winchester. The Platoon has gained Sgt Tooby, who has stepped seamlessly into the role of Platoon Sgt, and has also seen Cpl Jones promoted to Sgt (and due to begin wearing in 2023). The beginning of October saw LCpl’s Pun Magar, Cudworth and Sundas all promote to Corporal and Cpl Tamang deployed on the Mortar Advanced course; a very good month for the Platoon which was made even better by watching two of our private soldiers, Pte’s Cross and Jenkinson (CSM Bravo), step into the ring to represent Dragon Company in the Inter- Company Boxing; a great effort from both fighters.

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