Page 37 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
P. 37

Capt D L Arnold, Adjutant
On 1 Sept 22, the newly formed 1st Battalion the Mercian Regiment stepped
off the parade square in style, proudly observed by the Colonel of the Regiment, Lieutenant General Ian Cave CB. After months of meticulous planning and
careful consideration, the Regimental amalgamation was complete, delivering the largest Infantry battalion in the Field Army (closing on 800 personnel) all of whom were to be held at 30 days NTM as the Lead Armoured Battlegroup until June 2023.
Key to delivering a successful amalgamation, whilst balancing operational commitments and the rigours of Regimental Duty with the personal preferences of our people, was the Regimental Assignment Board (RAB), held at RHQ Lichfield. Prior
to the board convening in April, all Mercian personnel were offered the opportunity
to state their desired posting preference,
to help guide the board on their decision making. Every Mercian soldier and officer within the Regiment was discussed at
the RAB, and the result was that 90% of them were offered the first choice they had expressed on their preference form; 99%
of all personnel achieved one of their top three. Whilst a complicated and at times painstaking process, it has paid off through having the vast majority of troops soldiering where they want to and has stepped the new 1st Battalion off on the right foot.
The amalgamation day itself was marked with an impressive parade, expertly orchestrated by the Regimental Sergeant Major, WO1 Giles CGC; it more closely resembled a RMAS Sovereign’s parade than what might otherwise
The Commanding Officer awaits the arrival of the Colonel of the Regiment
  have been expected in the
middle of Bulford; no mean
feat considering many young
soldiers had not completed
Arms Drill during Phase One
training due to the impact of
the COVID-19. Moving away
from the parade square, a
luncheon at the Officers’
Mess, followed by a joint
Officers’, Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess dinner night proved to be a roaring success, albeit not without a few extra
the new 1st Battalion set
off on a tour of ‘Mercia’
to exercise some of our Freedoms in our home counties. This was conducted as part of the Battalion’s ‘Mercian Month’ in September, whereby the Battalion marched through Chester, Tamworth and Nottingham. This was a highly positive experience for
all, and they were proud days for the new Battalion, with the Colours flying, Pipes and Drums playing, and bayonets fixed.
The amalgamation day itself was marked with an impressive parade
The Colonel of the Regiment takes the salute as the Battalion marches past in slow time
duties being issued the following morning after the excitement of the amalgamation got a little too much for some!
To capitalise on the momentum of
Whilst the painful decision for the 2nd Battalion to be removed from the Order of Battle was a heavy blow to the Regiment, we can still draw on many positives going forward; 1 MERCIAN is now the largest Infantry Battalion in the Army, growing larger by the day with continued ITC recruit inflow; an overwhelming number
of soldiers and officers achieved their first choice of assignment, thus cultivating a happy workforce; and we have a bright future ahead of us, with the possibility of receiving the first BOXER vehicles in 2023. The foundations of the next chapter in the Regiment’s history are now established, it is now up to each and every one of us to ensure we continue to drive the new 1st Battalion forward.
‘Stand Firm, Strike Hard’
  Joint Officers’, Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess Amalgamation dinner night, with honoured guests

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