Page 66 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
P. 66

   Inter-Mess Golf Competition
Cpl Barber-Riley
July saw the first Mercian Regiment Inter-mess Golf tournament, held at Heron’s Reach Golf Course in Blackpool. Volunteers with ‘golfing experience’
were found from the Officers, WOS and Cpls’ messes as well as from the private soldiers. It’s fair to say that between the 4 players from each mess there was a very wide range of skills and abilities! The players from each mess were mixed together so that each team of four had
a representative from each mess. This definitely increased the competitiveness amongst the players and also made sure there was no cheating!
The day started with bacon sandwiches in the club house and a furious amount
of ball buying once we’d seen how much water there was on the course. After a quick (and for some, panicked) warm up on the driving range, the first team set
off. Some managed the pressure of the crowd better than others, but all the balls went in roughly the right direction!
Although Heron’s Reach is a challenging course, the players rose to
the occasion and the day saw some great golf played by all. As well as getting out
in the sun and enjoying some sport, the day also allowed new relationships to
be formed and the bonds between the messes to be strengthened. As the 2nd Battalion merges with the 1st, we hope that the tournament will continue annually
and be used as an opportunity for soldiers and officers across the regiment to get together and celebrate its past, present and future.
Best overall player – Capt Dean Davenport, B (Malta) Coy Winning Mess – Cpl’s Mess
Football Officer Coaching Staff Captain
Capt Kennedy CSgt Chadbourne Sgt Rickwood
 Another busy period for 2 MERCIAN has again impacted opportunities to play competitive football, but every effort has been made to get “boots on the ground” and the team has had some great matches and inspiring performances on the pitch this year.
Sgt Anthony Rickwood came back to us from ITC and quickly took up the mantle of club captain, leading on and off the pitch. The team managed to reach the quarter finals of the Army Cup and narrowly lost out 2-1 to a strong 1 YORKS side, we must congratulate 1 MERCIAN who made it to the final.
As the battalion deployed to Kenya the vast majority of the squad went with them, forcing us to withdraw from the league which we had been topping until that point. In May 22, several of our players were selected to represent the Mercian Regiment in a charity match against the Manchester city legends team at Hyde United FC’s ground. They lads held their own against ex professional footballers and competed in every area.
2 MERCIAN players deployed on the MERCIAN Cyprus football tour
As I write this, we have 6 soldiers out in Cyprus supporting the 1 MERCIAN football tour, whilst there they plan to play every major unit on the island. The first match saw them beating 2 YORKS 7-2 in a convincing display.
The amalgamation of the Regiment will see all of our players moving to new units, the vast majority are joining 1 MERCIAN and have already been picked up by their coaching staff. We wish all of our players the very best and thank them for their hard work in making 2 MERCIAN FC a success.
Pte Kennedy avoiding tackles like he avoids haircuts!

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