Page 7 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
P. 7

                                 LCpl Derby XXXII
Cpl Philip Thornton, Ram Major
This year started off relatively slowly for myself, the Ram Orderly, and Pte Derby; however, this year would mark the first full year with no lockdown restrictions in place, so the pace soon built back up.
Our first trip of the year started in February. We visited the Staffordshire Regiment Museum, which is only up the road from our RHQ where Derby is based. We are always happy to support our local museum when we can.
It was in March when things really started to ramp up. We attended a Military mascot photoshoot, which took us up to Edinburgh for the day. In attendance were the other Army mascots, so Derby got to see a few other animals for a change! The photoshoot was organised so that the photo could be gifted to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for her Platinum Jubilee.
July also saw our annual trip up to
Crich for the Pilgrimage. It was good to
be back for the Pilgrimage as it had to be cancelled the previous two years due to the pandemic. Remembering the fallen
is an incredibly important part of being in the Armed Forces. It was also good to
see some old faces once again, as the Pilgrimage is typically attended by lots of different members of the Regimental family.
One of my many proud moments as Ram Major was on the 8th July, where we once again made the journey up to Weeton Barracks. It was on the day that our Pte Derby XXXII was promoted by his Majesty King Charles III (then HRH Prince Charles), to Lance Corporal, for his great work, and it was certainly long overdue! A massive well done to LCpl Derby XXXII! The hope
which was recently reformed due to the merger of the 1st and 2nd battalions.
Later in the Month LCpl Derby once again made the Trip up to Worcester to the Malvern Hills Challenge to support Help for Heroes, where he is an Honouree Mascot. The event saw hundreds complete the walk raising over £15,000, so a massive congratulations to them all!
Further into September saw the Regiment march through the local cities of Chester, Tamworth, and Nottingham on freedom marches, which were all a great success.
The Highlight of October saw LCpl Derby go to Wrexham for the Wrexham Military Tattoo, where most of the British Army’s mascots were on parade.
Derby also went to Worksop for the
final freedom march of the year, and also saw visits to Chesterfield FC for their Remembrance game, and finally Worcester for the Gheluvelt Memorial Parade.
At the time of writing, the events are starting to wind down now, with LCpl Derby taking centre stage in Tamworth for this year’s Remembrance service. We plan to visit the Chester Museum once again with LCpl Derby very soon.
December will see LCpl Derby heading to the Staffordshire Museum once again before the IET move onto the slow run down to Christmas leave. LCpl Derby and Notts will both go on their annual leave to the Chatsworth Estate once again, and LCpl Derby can go and see his girlfriends there!
The Ram Orderly and I are looking forward to seeing what 2023 has in store for us and we hope once again to have a great year.
Stand Firm Strike Hard.
 Later on in March we
also went to Capt Bob
King’s 100th Birthday
party, a former veteran
of the Staffordshire
Regiment. It goes
without saying that we congratulate you sir on reaching that magnificent age!
As always, it was great to chat to the veterans of the regiment
is to perhaps this year or the next see him receive a promotion to full Corporal. I have my fingers crossed for him for luck!
August saw us supporting one of our veterans Oli Barnes,
 April saw trips to Worcester to support the Worcester Warriors in the signing
of the Armed Forces Covenant, as well
as to Nottingham for our annual visit to Nottingham Castle, which saw us raise the Scarlet Jacket in celebrating Badajoz Day.
In May Pte Derby was Invited along to Himley Hall for a garden party which saw
all kinds of local business owners receiving awards for their great work during the tough times of COVID! So a huge well done to them all.
Later in May also saw Pte Derby make his annual trip up to Worcester again for the Worcester Reunion. As always, it was great to chat to the veterans of the regiment.
June Really ramped up and saw Pte Derby on numerous jobs with the highlight’s being: marching the Salford Red Devil’s out on another signing of the Armed Force’s Covenant, and also our first freedom march of the year in Worcester where Pte Derby led the Battalion marching through the city, followed by the last WO’s and Sgt’s Dinner night in Nottingham of the 2nd Battalion.
July had to be my favourite Month of the year as it started off at Weeton Barracks
for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medals parade, which saw myself receive my sixth Medal and Pte Derby receiving his sixth too. For me though the highlight was seeing my Ram Orderly, Pte Joe Holmes, receiving his first medal (which he can actually wear),
so a massive congratulations to him and hopefully the first of many!
helping him out with the rest of the IET (Infantry Engagement Team) on a job in Chesterfield supporting the Chesterfield FC Community Trust. We also helped another Veteran, Micky Doyle, in opening a new bungalow on the War Memorial Village
in Derby. A huge well done to him, as he supports the Regiment tirelessly!
September was the busiest Month for LCpl Derby starting off on the 1st in Bulford on the Formation Day parade, which saw LCpl Derby leading the parade which was a great success and saw the new battalion
 Pte Derby XXII leading the Pilgrimage to the Regimental Memorial at Crich

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