Page 74 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
P. 74

  Cambrian Patrol
Pte Ruach Cavender
There exists a place in a faraway land, a land lost in time... called Brecon. The Cambrian Patrol competition that takes place here tests not only a soldier’s individual skills but also their mental and physical robustness and determination to succeed.
For the team from 4 MERCIAN, the day started early with Reveille being set at 0100 hrs. Setting off from the start point shortly after 0900hrs, the team flew through the first few stands with relative ease. Then came the bog and ‘baby heads’ which made the route and terrain a much more challenging affair. There then followed a steady downhill march to reach a water crossing obstacle, crossing multiple re-entrants and enduring what Directing Staff described as ‘the worst weather in Cambrian Patrol history’. After crossing the re-entrants and bogs, and seeing a bergen fall and float downstream, we finally reached the pickup point and got our heads down for a quick 20 minutes inside a freezing woodblock. Fortunately, the river crossing proved to be less daunting than we had imagined it would be, and after collecting plenty of mud as a souvenir on our bergens, we all got safely across. After finally arriving at the LUP and ditching the bergens, the team moved on to the final phase of the competition where skills such as recce, vehicle recognition and calling in fires were tested.
Finally, after facing a short but biblical burst of rain, the team completed a section attack before tabbing off on hard metalled roads, with boots which had been soaked for well over 24 hours. We went through a CPERS scenario and then tabbed down to the finish to receive a hot debrief. The next stop was into the shower block, followed by a short but sweet 2 hrs of deep sleep before attending the awards ceremony. In conclusion it was a hard exercise, but with the right mindset and camaraderie we enjoy in 4 MERCIAN, it proved to be a thoroughly rewarding and enjoyable experience.
                                Ex MIDLANDS CHALLENGE
Cpl Harley
Exercise Midlands Challenge is an event run by HQ West Midlands Brigade, inviting many different schools and colleges
from around the West Midlands region
to enjoy and experience a taste of Army life. 4 MERCIAN are regular supporters
of the event and this year we were asked to provide a military stand covering camouflage and concealment.
Over the course of four days, we had
24 different groups of students, ranging from 14-18 years old. Although we only had each for an hour or so, we made best use of our time with them beginning with a quick theory lesson covering the infamous 7 ‘S’s. Following this introduction, we moved quickly into a stalking lane where each group had to get as close to a certain point without being spotted. Despite the changeable weather and a decidedly
wet audience, every group put maximum effort into the stand with some students outperforming some soldiers I know!
Included in our stand was a VIPER thermal sight which showcased the effect of thermal imaging on the traditional aspects
of camouflage. Although I have done similar events several times, this last cohort was the most enthusiastic and made the whole event much more enjoyable for us to deliver. We received very good feedback from HQWM staff, the teachers and the students themselves and we look forward to taking part in the next event in 2023.
Cpl James Burbeck
Exercise Midland Leader is an exercise run for Potential Officers (POs) by Headquarters West Midlands (HQWM) Brigade. During the weekend participants are assessed on their fitness, military knowledge, essay writing and performance on various command tasks.
As a participant, the part that I personally found most beneficial was the planning exercise. It gave me the rare opportunity to not only write down a plan but then come together with your fellow team members and decide as a group on the best course of action. You are then required to present the plan to the Directing Staff who scrutinise your decision making and rationale.
During the exercise, we got to experience what an Officers’ Mess function entailed. Being able to attend this event was a
real privilege and I took as much from it
as I could. It was a chance to submerge myself into the Officer’s Mess culture and experience what the social life of an officer might look like for me in the future. Before leaving, I was able to have an invaluable one- to-one debrief with my syndicate officer. This was the best feedback I could have as we discussed my strengths and weaknesses. Overall, Exercise Midland Leader was an amazing opportunity to have serving officers provide POs personal feedback, advice that will help me moving forward through to Army Officer Selection Main Board.

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