Page 81 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
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                                Infantry Battle School
   The Infantry Battle School is currently undergoing significant change. The dissolution of SCHINF has seen IBS resubordinate to the newly formed
Combat Manoeuvre Centre. This has led
to a renewed focus on Combined Arms Manoeuvre, RPAS and reinvigorated efforts to ensure that IBS is transforming at the pace of relevance. Further change is likely, and the exact delivery model is unclear, however IBS will remain the infantry’s school of excellence committed to producing junior leaders of the highest calibre.
Prior to re-subordination, IBS had to contend with emerging from the restrictions of covid. The pandemic had led to a number of forced changes that resulted
in suboptimal delivery. The overarching theme of the last year to remedy this
has been a re-emphasis on enforcing
the basics, with fieldcraft, navigation and physical robustness at the top of the list. The pacing threat identifies that more
than ever, these qualities are preeminent for the dismounted infantry commander.
As a result, the FAN DANCE has been reintroduced to SCBC and PCD, and physical performance was reinstated as a summative part of the course. There is also
a new risk reduction exercise in progress that will be implemented in early 23. It is fair to say that reinforcement of start and final standards has caught out some units of the Field Army. It is evident that culture of battle fitness and field soldiering within units is key to setting the conditions for course success at IBS.
The Mercian regiment currently enjoys
a healthy representation amongst the directing staff at IBS, with every tactical division having at least one Mercian SNCO or officer. A/WO2 Bircumshaw also provides a steady hand in HQ’s Course Design Cell.
Departures of the likes of CSgt Mason
upon promotion to WO2 has allowed for
the latest trends and information to be
fed directly back to battalion, whilst Capts Johl and Hunt have also left their mark
with regimental representation firmly in
tack. The Mercian LE community has also had a strong showing with Capts Cooke and Garcia leaving upon promotion to Major. The quality of staff at IBS allows for continuing and enhanced communication to Battalion so that individual preparation can be improved, and IBS course performance reflects the true calibre of Mercian soldiers.
of both 1 and 4 MERCIAN, Lt Col Dean Canham MBE and Lt Col Rob Spalton to our Agincourt Banquet which was held in Bakers’ Hall. Members of the Company were also delighted to attend Crich this year, the Second Battalion’s final parade and to attend the Reformation day in early September.
Unlike all other Livery Companies, the Master Bowyer holds office for a tenure
of two years. This year, on 6 July , Mr David Laxton handed over as Master of the Company to Mr Nigel Heilpern. We would like to thank David for his leadership and guidance over the past two years
and wish Nigel all the best for his tenure in office. We also look forward to maintaining our strong links with the Regiment and wish all Mercians and their families the very best for 2023 wherever they may be serving. We Bowyers are proud of our affiliation with The Mercian Regiment and hope to continue to build on the relationship over the coming year.
You can find out more about the Bowyers by visiting
  The Worshipful Company of Bowyers
      As many readers will know, the
Worshipful Company of Bowyers is very proud of its affiliation with the Mercian Regiment and continues to support the excellent work of the Mercian Regiment Benevolent Charity through its own Bowyers’ Charitable Trust. Guided by a small committee and overseen by the Master, Wardens and Trustees, the Trust selects, visits and maintains links with a wide range of worthwhile causes where it can make a real difference. The link with the Mercian Regiment continues to be fostered through attendance at regimental events and reciprocal invitations to members of the Regiment to enjoy the Bowyers’ hospitality in London.
This year the Master, David Laxton, was very honoured to be able to visit the First Battalion. A party of 17 Bowyers visited Bulford on 17 February 2022, by kind invitation of the Commanding Officer Lt Col Dean Canham MBE. It was a fabulous and engaging day of “hands-on” events for the Bowyers – including Marksmanship drills, battlefield casualty-drills and having an
Army field-rations’ lunch – truly “al fresco”! – in a field-canteen. The day ended with an Officers’ Mess Dinner to commemorate the Regiment’s Meeanee Battle Honour. Through the generosity of the Bowyers’ attending, the day raised over £1400 for The Mercian Regiment Benevolent Charity.
In May, the Company also enjoyed a Simulated game day at Bisley with Officers of the Second Battalion. The following month 35 Bowyers then, by the kind and gracious invitation of Lt Col Rich Grover MBE, Commanding Officer of the Second Battalion, had the honour and privilege of attending an Officers’ Mess Dinner in HMS Belfast on the evening of Thursday, 16th June to mark the impending disbandment of the Battalion.
The Bowyers also celebrate the battle anniversaries which are interwoven into the Company’s long history. Today the Bowyers’ motto recalls the hard-fought victories at which English archers played such a crucial role: ‘Crecy, Poitiers, Agincourt’. In October we were pleased to welcome the Commanding Officers

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