Page 97 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
P. 97

                                 Worcester Branch
Nigel Fish, Chair
2022 has shown the branch to have a busy year! In early March, branch supporter
Matt Adams and friend were seen off on
a sponsored walk up the Worcestershire Beacon in Malvern wearing heavy replica suits of armour! to raise funds for the branch. They completed their task and the weather stayed fine, no WD40 was needed! The branch held their Annual Dinner on 26th March at the Berkeley Inn at Spetchley,
it was a good evening starting with the Regimental March being played and the branch standards marched in and placed
in the stand. Our guest was Deputy Mayor of Worcester Councillor, Dr Adrian Gregson who gave a very good speech. The evening ended with a raffle and an auction of military pictures and items for the benefit of the Regimental Museum.
Due to the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, May saw some of the Worcester Branch help out with the setting up of the, earlier than usual, Association Reunion in the
new venue of the Worcester Rugby Club.
It was good to see some people that we have missed over the last couple of years. The new venue was very welcoming, and
a pleasant atmosphere prevailed. It was also a sunny day which helped a lot, even better was that the beer was cheaper!
The Drumhead Service was held on the pitch and the March Past was led by the Regimental Mascot and handlers. This year we had the Mercian Regiment there with a BB rifle range which went down very well with the Association members. The feedback was positive, and we are looking forward to the reunion returning to the first Saturday in June.
On 1st June, members of Dudley
and Worcester Branch gathered at the Worcestershire Regimental Stone in Gheluvelt Park, Worcester to commemorate the Glorious 1st of June where soldiers of the 29th Foot fought as Marines on Lord Howes Channel Fleet in 1794. The 4th
June saw some members of the branch have a recruiting day in Worcester High Street where they also publicised the forthcoming 100th anniversary on the 18th June in Gheluvelt Park. The day went well with lots of interest and a new member signed up. The crowds all stopped and paid respect when we finished the day with the Exhortation, Last Post 1-minute silence,
Reveille and Kohima Epitaph. Worcester Branch Committee worked with Worcester City Council and their Communities
Team to plan the 100th anniversary of
the opening of Gheluvelt Park on the
17th June 1922 by the 1st Earl of Ypres Lord French. There would be a service to commemorate this and lots of attractions. The weather was scorchio in the run up to the 100th anniversary but on the day it was completely the opposite with heavy storms forecasted that kept a lot of the crowds
and exhibitors away. The rain poured down but it did not dampen spirits. A shortened service was held, present was the Lord Lieutenant of Worcestershire and the Great Granddaughter of Lord French, Lady Lucy French OBE. President of Worcester Branch Lt Col (Retd) Mark Jackson OBE gave a shortened welcome to the guests and brief account of the Battle of Gheluvelt. The Service was conducted by Clergy from the Cathedral and nearby St Stephens Church. The Lord Lieutenant and Lady French jointly planted a cherry tree to mark the occasion. The tree did not need watering in! It was
a good service that went well and marked the occasion, even though the day was cut short so we could dry ourselves out.
On 3rd July some members of the branch attended the Crich Pilgrimage, laying a wreath on behalf of the branch. On the
20th June branch members were at the Guildhall in Worcester to mark the Armed Forces Week flag Raising. Then on 15th August, VJ Day, members were on parade
in Evesham at the Burma Star Memorial outside the Almonry taking part in the service and laying wreaths in memory of the 2nd and 7th Batts the Worcestershire Regiment. On 26th August, Dudley and Worcester branch members were on parade at the Worcestershire Regimental Stone in Gheluvelt Park to commemorate Vernon France 1944, Burma, Kohima, and the Malay Emergency. Worcester Branch organised a wreath laying service on 24th September at the WFR Memorial Bench, Gheluvelt Park. It was a commemoration service in memory of those killed on
active service and those that served on Operation Banner. This was in conjunction with services in Notts and Derby for the 40th anniversary of Pte Martin Jessop and Cpl Leon Bush who were killed on active service. Also for LBmdr Waller RA who was attached with WFR. It was a well-attended service that was conducted by the Vice Dean of Worcester Cathedral. Association members came from afar to attend. This will now become an annual event for the branch to hold and all Association members are very welcome to join us.
Branch members were at the Guildhall
in Worcester for the Poppy Launch and
the following day, the 30th October saw
the branch at the Gheluvelt Memorial in Gheluvelt Park for the 108th Anniversary of the Battle of Gheluvelt. The service went very well, in attendance was LCpl Derby and Handlers, the Vice Lord Lieutenant
and other civil dignitaries. Capt Jones
of The Mercian Regiment read out the
Roll of Honour Luckily the weather held
for the service. After Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday services, the branch finishes the year with their last branch meeting 13th December where it finishes with a Presidents Raffle that funds raised goes to the charity of the branch President’s choice and of course there will be mince pies! If anyone wishes to join our busy and sociable branch, please visit our website

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