Page 5 - 2016 AMA Spring
P. 5

               Foreword Foreword by Chairman
Keeping the AMA going - the ‘real thing’ Col Paul J Edwards MBE, FRGS
The AMA has been successfully supporting mountaineering in the Army for almost 60 years. We now have a bigger membership than we have ever had and our members are active in a wider range of mountaineering activities than ever before, with our reach now spreading from indoor bouldering, through to hill walking, rock climbing, alpine climbing and expeditions to the poles and greater ranges. I am thrilled to see that we continue to provide the competitions, UK meets and expeditions that our members want. In addition, all of this is supported by an excellent website, an outstandingly good Journal, a super social media presence on Facebook and Twitter and access to very generous grants from the AMA Memorial Fund.
So what’s the catch? Well, of course you can still be involved in mountaineering in the Army without being a member of the AMA, and the huge growth in the quality and availability of Adventurous
Training courses from the Joint Service Mountain Training Centres has made the AMA’s role of ‘training’ our members partly redundant. We do, of course, still offer opportunities to gain some ‘quality mountain days’ or additional rock routes for your logbook, by attending our meets, and more recently we have been offering first class coaching for those members of our sport climbing teams. Mostly, however, it is the real thing that the AMA offers, not the training. We continue to deliver first class climbing competitions and expeditions to our members, and these are at the core of the Association’s offer to our membership.
The trouble is that delivering the real thing takes time and effort to organize. The AMA executive committee are always looking for people to come forward to help with organising meets, expeditions or competitions. Other than Emma, our secretary at Indefatigable, all of the committee offer their time voluntarily. If you feel that you could help, even in a minor fashion, please contact me, or any other member of the committee. They will be glad to hear from you.
 AMA Journal Editor Update
It seems like only yesterday that the previous journal was published. 6 months gone in the blink of an eye!
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this journal, it is great to see so much going on within the AMA. Please keep the articles and photos coming for the next edition which is due out in December.
Whilst it is great to read about what everyone has been doing recently or planning to do in the near future, it is still important to remember where the AMA came from. There have been many great expeditions and acheivements undertaken by AMA
members over the years. This journal includes an article written by Meryon Bridges (joined the AMA in 1969) about the 20th Anniversary of the successful JS Gasherbrum Expedition in 1996. This was the first ascent of an 8,000m peak by the Forces after Everest 20 years previously.
Please continue to update the Membership Secretary when you change address so that we can continue to successfully deliver your Journal on time and to the correct address!
Well done to those that have won a prize in either the photo competition or article competition. And a big thank you to Crest publications who not only produce the Journal but also judge the winners for each competition.
 Update from the Webmaster
As previously mentioned the website is constantly evolving and moving with the times. I continue to update and ensure the most current information is readily available. I urge you all to help me by sending me pictures, news, updates or any general mountaineering information that you would like to share with our members. I am hoping to add a shop section for anyone wanting to purchase AMA items so watch the website for details. I will end by saying that if there is anyone out there with any ideas as to what I can offer or change in the website, please do not hesitate to get in touch, or pop in for a brew if passing MOD Stafford.
Update from the Membership Secretary
The AMA members list has been growing well this year; we currently have 2,477 with new applications coming in daily.
It is always important to update me with any changes to your details so please let me know either by e-mail or by phone so we can make sure your record is up to date and more importantly that you receive all the journals.
If you have any questions, concerns or anything at all please just contact me on 01248 718364 or Mil 95581 7964 or by e-mail on The office times are Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 15.45pm.
The AMA recognises that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.
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