Page 10 - Out Birding Feb 2025
P. 10

Goldeneye, further out we also saw a large group of Great Crested Grebe. As we moved on to the next hide we had a wonderful close encounter with a cheeky Robin who posed beau􏰀fully for our cameras and phones.
At Rawl Hide we saw large groups of Teal and Lapwing on the point and a Red Kite in the distance. Walking to the next hide we saw a flock of Canada and Greylag Geese in the fields. At Oak Hide we spo􏰁ed two Egyp􏰀an Geese and a Green Sandpiper among others.
We then decided to head back to the Essex Wildlife Trust Centre as we were all look- ing forward to our lunch and some Christmas shopping there.
My thanks to John, Gavin, Mar􏰀n, Helen B, Helen Mc and Liz for coming along and making it a very enjoyable day. 30 birds were recorded.
Chris Whitby
Warnham Mill Pond 09/11/2024
Nine of our members met on a cold and gloomy, but dry day, for this event. We start- ed by looking for a Grey Wagtail at the weir by entrance, without success. Later on a wagtail flew over, but I am not sure what sort it was. There were lots of birds seen from the hides, in front of well stocked bird feeders. I was watching a Great Tit feed on one of the feeders thinking that it was not behaving like a normal Great Tit. Normally I have no􏰀ced with 􏰀ts that they normally just fly to feed, take one seed and then fly away to safety. One Great Tit was just gorging itself at one feeder. This approach cost it its life, a Sparrowhawk grabbed it from the feeder and flew off with it. This happened very quickly so only a few members of our group saw it. We also saw two Herons being mobbed by gulls. In total we saw or heard at least 32 bird species between us. The 􏰀me of year allowed us to enjoy good autumn colours on the trees. Mark Taylor
Parkgate 17/11/2024
Eight GBC members met at the Old Baths car park at Parkgate, to witness the excep- 􏰀onally high 􏰀des forecast for this weekend. The cold and the rain weren’t conducive to a long day’s birding, but our collec􏰀ve eyes saw a decent number of birds despite the condi􏰀ons.
It is no􏰀ceable how many Li􏰁le Egrets are on these marshes, also the Great White Egret and Grey Heron. Pink-footed Geese flying over in good numbers, also Greylag Geese and the inevitable Canada Geese. Black-headed Gull and Lesser Black-backed Gull, Moorhen and Mallard on the pools. Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew, Redshank and Snipe flying, Wood Pigeons, Stock Doves, Skylarks, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Pied Wag- tail, Starling and plenty of Crows. Long-tailed Tits in the car park.
Several flocks of Lapwings up and flying, probably spooked by a Marsh Harrier – several sigh􏰀ngs of this raptor. We were lucky to see a Kestrel perched high in a tree and a Sparrowhawk flying low. The spot of the day was a male Hen Harrier, seen in the distance by Mike when the chaps returned to their cars.

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