Page 30 - Oundle Life January 2024
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                                  rough grassland and so providing good hunting grounds. Another valuable conservation action is to install deep nestboxes within suitable outbuildings or on trees to provide them with safe spaces to roost and nest.
recent figures, it is possible that increasingly milder winters could be allowing more birds to survive, get into breeding condition and begin
  The Barn Owl Trust has been advocating habitat creation and assisting with nestbox installation since it was formed in the 1980s. It has also been researching ways
at recent figures, it is possible that increasingly milder winters could be allowing more birds to survive
nesting, however unpredictable and unseasonal spring and summer weather conditions are then limiting brood
sizes and nestling survival. Time will tell how Barn Owls will cope with our changing climate, but it is clear we need to do all we can to ensure the survival of this species into the future.
The Barn Owl Trust would not survive if it was not for the generous support from the public. If interested in donating, becoming a friend of the trust or leaving a legacy in your will, please visit our webpage here:
 to reduce water trough drownings, rodenticide poisoning and road
mortalities, alongside monitoring
nest sites (largely within the Devon
area) and rehabilitating and releasing casualty owls. Thankfully there are
many wonderful Barn Owl groups and individuals working to help conserve
this species around the UK and each
year we collate data from these groups
to publish a report on the current state
of the Barn Owl population, available
to read on our website (
   After a run of really poor years, thankfully last year (2022) was a good year for Barn Owls around the UK with substantially more birds reported nesting than usual. Unfortunately, this increase in numbers nesting was not followed up with above-average brood sizes which would have helped boost the population. Looking at
 The Barn Owl Trust, Waterleat, Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7HU
Tel: 01364 255 56

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