Page 36 - Oundle Life January 2024
P. 36

                                Volunteer Action (VA) urgently needs additional volunteer drivers in Thrapston!
Volunteer Action (VA) is a small registered charity, established over 25 years ago, operating from offices in Oundle, and staffed by a full- time manager and three part-time
members of staff, together with a
very loyal group of local volunteers –
eight office volunteers and over 140 community volunteers.
one driver per 34 members. In the rest of VA’s serving area the ratio is one driver per eight members. The result of this is that VA uses drivers from outside Thrapston to drive for members in Thrapston – and, with drivers paid
Volunteer Action
   It provides Thrapston and
Oundle, plus 48 villages in North Northamptonshire, with two essential
services : a community transport
scheme and befriending service.
The car scheme serves older people,
plus mobility-restricted individuals,
& currently serves in excess of 700
members, with around 70 volunteer
drivers supporting them. In the last 12
months VA completed over 7000 journeys, of which over half were for medical appointments.
Our area has a poor public transport system and limited taxi services and so, without VA, vulnerable members of our community would struggle to reach medical appointments.
However, VA is short of volunteer drivers in Thrapston and neighbouring villages. VA has just over 200 members in Thrapston who use the car scheme, but only six drivers – a ratio of
Driving for VA can be rewarding and enjoyable, with the satisfaction of helping one’s local community
45p per mile for all miles driven from the time they leave their house, this adds significantly to VA’s costs.
Driving for VA can be rewarding and enjoyable, with the satisfaction
of helping one’s local community. All you need is a car and a little free time, also most insurance companies will include cover for volunteer driving at no additional cost.
You can drive as much or as little as you wish – just tell us when you are free to drive and we will do the rest, with your mileage allowance paid to you monthly.
If you are willing to volunteer, or want more information, please call us on 01832 275433 or email , or visit our website www.volunteeractionoudle.
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Contact details: 01832 275 433

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