Page 42 - Oundle Life January 2024
P. 42

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Saag Aloo is a simple Indian curried potato and spinach dish which pairs perfectly with salmon. This easy one pan dish is easy to cook in the AGA.
1.5kg potatoes, cut into 2cm chunks
2-3 tbsp olive oil + 1-2 tbsp to brush the salmon 2 tsp turmeric
3 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp chilli flakes
A pinch or two of salt
250g-300g fresh spinach or the same weight of
frozen spinach, defrosted.
750g salmon fillet, either skin on or off. 2 tbsp curry paste
A lemon
1. Put the olive oil into a large bowl and add
the turmeric, cumin, chilli flakes and a few pinches of salt. Mix together and add the potato chunks, mixing well again. Place on an large lined baking tray. Roast for 30 mins.
2. While the potatoes are cooking, prepare
the spinach by wilting in a saucepan on the simmering plate for a few minutes with the lid on. Once the spinach has wilted, remove the lid and cook for a further minute or
two, stirring to help the remaining water evaporate. If using defrosted frozen spinach, squeeze the spinach well to remove the water.
3. Once the potatoes are cooked, stir the prepared spinach through the potatoes.
4. Spread the spice paste evenly over the flesh side of the salmon, brush the top gently with a little olive oil and place on top of the potatoes and spinach. For individual fillets, roast for 20 minutes, if using one large piece or side of salmon, allow a further 5-10 mins cooking time for the salmon.
5. Once cooked, lift off the potatoes and replace the salmon. Taste and season with salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice.
   Recipe from: Aga Living

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