Page 8 - Oundle Life January 2024
P. 8

                                PARK LIFE
at Barnwell
Even though it has been winter, the fun hasn’t stopped at Barnwell, whether it has been completing habitat work or seeing the new changing places facilities taking shape. There have also been swans, ducks, wintering birds and many more enjoying the park.
Towards the end of October a goose was spotted near the duck feeding bridges on the middle path. We presumed that it had escaped some how from a local smallholding near
to Oundle. Cuthbert, as he’s been named, at
first was seen as a threat to the swans that call Barnwell home but now he appears to have been accepted and they are all cohabiting nicely. We will continue to let Cuthbert live his life here so please come and visit him!
Barnwell has the aim of becoming more accessibly friendly for as many people as possible and to achieve this aim the Country Park has welcomed a new changing places facility, equipped with a shower, hoist and changing bed to give people with different disabilities the opportunity to come and
summer elsewhere. So far, wintering species (whether they are resident winter migrants
    use the park. This new facility can be unlocked using a radar key. If you do not have one but would like to use the facility, the rangers will have the key. Along with the new play area that is in the works, Barnwell will be accessible to all ages and abilities.
We will continue to let Cuthbert live his life here
or passing winter migrants) we have spotted are Cormorants, Canadian Geese, Black Headed Gulls, as well as Redwings and Fieldfares. When these species return to Barnwell it means the busy season has officially ended!
The fishing swims will be getting a refresh this winter with the clearance
 During the winter Barnwell provides refuge for birds and waterfowl that may spend the
of overhanging branches, as well as opening up the immediate lake in front of the swim so that

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