Page 17 - Oundle Life August 2022
P. 17

    ...and if you prefer scenic? New Zealand. Where did you last travel to? Peru.
What makes Travel Counsellors different?
The primary aim is for our customers to have the best holidays they can. We are motivated by our customers enjoyment and happiness rather than trying to find the cheapest possible holiday.
Proudest moment? Achieving the status of Gold Travel Counsellor. This is reserved for the top 10% of Travel Counsellors and is a real recognition of the hard work that I put in.
Dinner out or at home? I rather prefer dinner at home! My husband is a mean chef, and cooks up some amazing surprises.
...and a favourite tipple to go with it? Rosé wine to start, and Baileys on the rocks to finish.
You have a day off, what do you do? I have a garden that takes a lot of effort to keep under control, so any spare time is spent taking care of my prize winning sweet peas. I love growing tomatoes, which my husband appreciates as he
eats them as fast as I can grow them.
If money was no object, where would you visit? Japan – the culture and history holds an intrigue; I’d love to visit and find out more – or closer to home, Iceland on a fly-drive holiday.
Dog, cat or iguana – who’s at home? I am most definitely not a cat person! A dog would be OK, but right now? We have 3 chickens that are the most hopeless layers.
What brings you joy? Making peoples holiday dreams come true. Giving sweet pea flowers to my mum and sister.
Jaffa cake or Hobnob? Jaffa cake most definitely. My favourite clients always have jaffa cakes ready when I do a home visit!
Something people don’t know about you? I regularly win trophies with my sweet peas.
Who inspires you? My late grandfather who was a genius in the garden, which I found really inspiring.

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