Page 12 - The Royal Lancers Chapka 2019
P. 12

                                 July brought the second PNCO Cadre of the year. This time, twenty-nine Tprs departed Catterick for the rolling hills of Dartmoor Training Area. As they formed hollow squares in their new sections, the directing staff of Cpls Marshall and Chaplin,
The course formed up and ready to deploy
The course and directing staff having completed the 4-miler
with LCpls Brough-Jones and Graham inspected their kit, issu- ing “guidance” where necessary for anything missing.
The students were soon into the swing of things in the first week. They covered lessons on leadership, modern international threats, duties of a NCO amongst others, whilst their Direct- ing Staff took them out onto the area for a number of extremely testing navigation exercises; in case you doubt the severity, ask any of the students or Royal Marines about Ben Tor. Amongst the highlights of the first week were the lecturettes delivered by Tprs, the stretcher race (featuring B Squadron SSM, WO2 Lansberry’s, special 120-kilogram stretchers), the 4-miler, and the assault course (please see the picture featured).
Of special note in the first week were LCpl Starkey for his per- formance in signals related tasks, understanding the role of the Lancers and general attitude, Tpr Fletcher for his navigation and fitness ability, Tpr Shepherson for his leadership on the stretcher race and Tpr Stuart for his excellent performance on the final navigation exercise.
 The first PNCO cadre of 2019 was run by D Squadron and saw 38 Tprs and LCpls deploy to Otterburn in an unusu- ally mild February. Whilst a number of prescribed learning and training objectives must be met, there remains a considerable amount of flexibility in the design of the course which allowed the course officer and the team the freedom to plan and deliver a tailored programme.
The first week in camp consisted of an intense but manageable programme to maximise student learning, build on existing skills and develop leadership through a combination of class- room and outdoor activity. Alongside the mandated syllabus, students conducted arduous PT including the “log run from hell”, command tasks, presentations to the chain of command and their peers, navigation exercises, introductory planning ex- ercises, and refined their field skills in preparation for the field training exercise in week 2.
The field training exercise tested students in an unfamiliar area and again focused on low-level leadership. Operating in the same syndicates, the students devised their own Standard Oper- ating Procedures under the guidance of their syndicate leaders and were rotated through a number of command appointments. The exercise put the students through a range of tactical sce-
narios from vehicle ambushes at night to recce patrols, contact drills and defensive operations. The final serial saw students recce complex enemy positions in two locations, withdraw un- der contact and extract (with the inevitable casualties!) uphill 3km to an ERV.
The course was led by Lt Titcomb and Sgt France and was well supported by D Squadron personnel and the wider Regiment. Cpls Crook, Glass, Shacklady, and Pipe performed outstandingly as syndicate leaders. Enthusiastic and consummate professionals throughout, they fostered a team spirit and ethos that enabled students to thrive. The Top Student award was split between Tprs Vatuwaqa and Dixon. Both showed outstanding leadership potential and command presence, earning the respect of their peers and the Directing Staff alike. Tpr Marchant was awarded the Best Soldier award. With bags of initiative and tactical ma- turity beyond his years, he set a first-rate example to his peers.
Those passing the course should be rightly proud of their achievements. Deliberately pushed to their limits, they demon- strated the determination and will to succeed embodied by the Royal Lancer JNCOs. Well done to all.
PNCO Cadre February 2019
PNCO Cadre July 2019

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