Page 123 - The Royal Lancers Chapka 2019
P. 123

 Emblin. Thanks to the Regiment for their continuing support, it’s really appreciated. The meal was to the usual high standard that we have come to expect both in quality and quantity. After we’d eaten there were speeches from our Vice President Mick Holtby, deputising for our President, who was unable to attend due to Colonel of the Regiment duties. Capt Julien Anani-Isaac then brought us all up to date with the Regiment’s activities since we’d last met: the Regiment it turns out is as busy and widely spread as ever, with the girls and guys in a wide variety of places and roles. The Chairman also spoke. The evening then continued with live entertainment provided by singer/compère Diane Lee Carol and DJ John, the Park House Dancers certainly turned a few heads, and bar was a lot quieter while they were on! The raffle was well supported and I would like to thank all those who donated prizes and bought tickets: your support is always appreciated.
It was good to welcome a number of widows and relations of mem- bers who are no longer with us. Irene Backhouse, Anne Smiles, Val Garratty and Sue Taylor were all able to attend the dinner this year and we hope many more might feel they can join us in the coming years, a happy time and hearty welcome is assured.
In June, a number of the Branch travelled up to Catterick for the Regimental Weekend. The weather was far from kind, with Sat- urday probably being the wettest day in June for years - though those with previous experience of serving in North Yorkshire may disagree!. Sunday, thankfully, was a lot drier and warmer, but windier. The Chairman was ‘selected’ to carry the Associa- tion Banner on the morning of the parade and the sight of him trying to hang on to it whilst on parade was one of the weekend highlights!
Chairman and Banner
Those who have been called to the Senior Squadron this year, included Mally Cooper, Norman Crocker, Roy Jones, Bill Fergu- son and Dennis Tomlin, all answering the Recruiting Sergeant’s call. We extend our sympathies and condolences to all their fam- ilies and friends.
So with thanks to Secretary/Treasurer and committee, without whom the continued running of the Branch wouldn’t be possi- ble. I take my leave and look forward to greeting you all again in Blackpool on 17th April 2021 where a warm and happy welcome is awaiting you.
 South East Branch (Omdurman Troop)
“Here we are again!” As Tennessee Ford sang in 1955...” what do you get, another day older and deeper in debt” and that sums up my current feelings – another day older and writing the Chapka notes yet again! Last year I threatened to ‘volunteer’ this duty onto somebody else in the troop and I’ve failed miserably. Ok, whine over and now on with our annual
record of events.
Troop activity during 2019 was in part consistent with the pre- vious year. We had, representation at both the East Midlands and North West Branch dinners, attendance at the annual Royal British Legion (RBL) Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey, contributed to the regimental contingent at the Ceno- taph Remembrance Parade and also at the Royal Hospital Chel- sea RAC church parade. A big thank you to all who attended and organised these events for making them so successful.
On a more somber note August 2019 marked the 25th anniver- sary of the death of Barry Nicholas, John Nicholas’s son. Barry
was killed in Bosnia undertaking Explosive Ordinance Disposal activities whilst serving with the Royal Engineers (REs). In his memory a wreath laying and celebration of his life was organ- ised by his old RE comrades and held at his graveside in Essex. Colonel English CBE, his wife Frances, my wife Eileen and my- self were privileged to be invited to attend. In a short ceremony Barry’s best mate, his old Troop Leader and Colonel William CBE paid moving tributes to Barry’s memory.
In August the troop was represented at the 50th Anniversary of the commencement of Operation BANNER held at the National Memorial Arboretum. Operation BANNER was an operation that so many of us will remember and which cost so many lives of both civilian and military/police/emergency services personnel. It was to be the longest ever active service campaign of the Brit- ish Army. The weather was foul but it was a moving experience.
Sadly, in October John Gauthier and myself attended the funeral service for in-pensioner Frank ‘Lenny’ Winfield who many old
   Blue and White flanking Red and Gold Colonel William flies the flag Harry Rack and Paddy King

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