Page 39 - The Royal Lancers Chapka 2019
P. 39
2019 saw B Squadron focus on the development of excellence across our capabilities. From individual courses, to a stint as the United Kingdom’s Standby Battalion Lead Company, we conducted dismounted live firing and returned to mounted gunnery after over 30 months off our core platform. It was a de- manding but enjoyable 12 months that saw individual and col- lective successes for the Squadron on courses, on the sports field and on ranges.
The first quarter of the year was all about individual and ca- reer courses. Both the Anti-Tank and Support Troops con- ducted concentrations, qualifying seven new javelin gunners and eight assault troopers as well as identifying the Newcastle four. B Squadron secured over 50 slots on regimental signals, gunnery and other promotion courses. LCpl Fletcher’s stand- out performances on the Potential Junior Non-Commissioned Officer Cadre and Javelin Operators’ Cadre resulted in a Com- manding Officer’s commendation. The pinnacle career course is undoubtedly the Crew Commanders’ Course. As a mark of the generation of talent in the Squadron over the last couple of years, B Squadron secured five of the ten slots across the Regi- ment. Cpls Bridge, Morgan, Wood and Barlow all successfully completed the arduous and demanding course, alongside 2Lt Ozanne, who joined the Squadron just in time to go skiing. With four additional B Squadron personnel currently on the Crew Commanders course as this goes to press, the future is bright for junior command within the Squadron.
Collectively, the Squadron’s first commitment was to readiness as the Lead Company for UK operations. Thankfully we were not stood up, but with a number of named storms over the pe- riod, the risk was always there. We also conducted both mounted and dismounted range packages in Castlemartin this year. 2Lt Colquhoun designed and delivered a progressive package con- ducted in Warcop and Barry Buddon in Scotland. The miracu- lously sunny May week set the team up for a great two weeks in Wales where Lt Free and Sgt Wilkes’ professionalism set the standard. Despite the unscheduled trip to Upavon, the chance to conduct live recce patrol drills, with integrated casualty evacua-
B Squadron in Castlemartin
Tpr Ridgeway in a world of hurt
tion as well as see the infamous Ajax – the next generation recon- naissance vehicle – was relished by all. It also provided a great platform for a number of our junior commanders to take control of a complex live fire situation and all of them flourished as a result, with the likes of LCpls Bailey, Fisher and Alexander to demonstrate the capacity and command ability that would see them promoted.
We then returned Castlemartin Ranges again in September, this time to perform mounted ranges on CVR(T) Scimitar, Spartan, and Panther Command and Liaison Vehicle. LCpl Robertson was noted for his deadeye shooting with the NLAW (isn’t it
B Squadron