Page 9 - The Royal Lancers Chapka 2019
P. 9
Regimental Articles
Crew Commanders’ Dinner
On 17th October 2019, the Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess was the scene for an important addition to the Regi- ment’s annual diary. A formal dinner, presided upon by the Commanding Officer and with the 12 (Armoured Infantry) Bri- gade Sergeant Major, WO1 Donaldson as guest of honour, the inaugural ‘Rolls-Royce Dinner’ was a huge success.
The aim of the dinner was to recognise all those who had com- pleted the arduous Crew Commanders course, with a particular focus on the more JNCOs. Starting in Bovington, those attend- ing the course are trained in signals, driving and maintenance, and gunnery, before moving to Warminster to develop the tactics and skills required to command a vehicle in a sabre squadron. The course is hugely challenging, though it aims to train in rath- er than test out, thus giving it a high success rate whilst consist- ently producing commanders more than up to the responsibility they will take on.
In addition to celebrating our JNCOs for their achievement, the dinner also succeeded in helping to foster empowerment of all Royal Lancer Crew Commanders, and, finally, encouraged the leadership development of the Crew Commanders as we look to- wards Operations ELGIN and CABRIT.
Named for the Rolls-Royce Armoured Car badge worn by all WO2s and below who have successfully completed the Crew Commanders’ Course, it was also a chance to celebrate and re- mind ourselves on a piece of Regimental history. The badge was adopted in Egypt at the time when an antecedent Regiment was first mechanized in 1929. It represents the old 1915 Rolls-Royce model armoured car with which the Regiment was equipped.
The Best Crew Commander 2019, Cpl Allen (with trophy), with other nominees (l-r) Cpl Yorke, Cpl Bott, Cpl Marshall
The original version that was worn was made from brass. Today, Warrant Officers and below continue to wear a fabric version of the Rolls-Royce Armoured on their right arm in recognition of completing the Crew Commanders course. For a more in-depth history of the Rolls Royce badge, Rob Pegler’s article in the Mu- seums chapter provides a great deal of additional information.
The fine food, wine, and company was greatly enjoyed by all, and was responsible for allowing the dinner to succeed in achieving the aims of the night. Celebration, recognition, and empowerment.
The Commanding Officer also recognised the top Corporal from each squadron, with Cpl Marshall (A Squadron), Cpl Cartlege (B Squadron), Cpl Yorke (C Squadron) and Cpl Bott (D Squadron) being highlighted for their achievements. How- ever, the award for the top Crew Commander 2019 was awarded to Cpl Allen (HQ Squadron) who received the trophy.
The Commanding Officer adresses his Crew Commanders