Page 142 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 142

 Association Picnic
On Sunday 2nd September, 2012, the Mercian Volunteers Regimental Association held a families’ picnic at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire. It
was an opportunity for our branches at Burton on Trent, Kidderminster, Nottingham, Rugeley, Stockport, Walsall and Wolverhampton to meet and catch up with friends and old comrades.
The weather was kind. The sun shone, the wind dropped, our stone memorial has mellowed into maturity over the years and our four oak saplings are growing well. We remain a strong and vibrant Association with an active and healthy membership. Ex-Mercians are constantly joining us as they find out about the Association via our face book page. Soon, we shall have on line a re-vamped website on which will give us even more public
Association members on the occasion of the Annual Service at the Arboretum
exposure. New members are always welcome and should contact Lt Col Keith Jeavons on 01384 822135 or via his email
Looking ahead to 2013, the Mercian Volunteers Regimental Association is planning a battlefield tour to the sites of the Normandy Landings in 1944. Further details will be given on our re-designed website
The Corps of Drums and Band lead the parade of the Association members at the National Memorial Arboretum
when it comes online, so watch this space! Our thanks go to Lt Col Brian Lewis and Maj Lawrence Chell for organising the picnic and to the National Memorial Arboretum for hosting the event. A collection was made and £82, plus Gift Aid, was donated to them.
The Branch saw out 2011 with a combined Christmas function
with the Kidderminster Branch held at Kidderminster British Legion Club. Our hosts Graham Bird and his committee warmly welcomed our branch and a good evening was had by all attending. In true style members of the Walsall Branch walked away with the bulk of the raffle prizes. Also attending were members of 4 MERCIAN who had returned from Afghanistan earlier in the year. The branch held
a Valentine’s night at Rock Steady Eddie’s on a bitterly cold night in February. Members of the Kidderminster branch helped to swell the night. A fish and chip supper was organised by Mrs. Olly Atkins with a singer and disco to follow.
During April members of the branch attended the annual Anzac Day Ceremony held at the Commonwealth Cemetery at Cannock Chase. Unfortunately the service had to be cut short because of driving torrential rain.
The Branch shooting team led by Bill Goring attended a shooting competition organised by the Royal Fusilier Association (Sheldon Branch) at Swynnerton Training Camp, Staffordshire, on 20 May
and acquitted themselves very well indeed. The Branch team produced a winning team with a score of 94 out of 100. The winning team consisted of Mr. Bill Goring, Bob Atkins, Pete Davies and Mervyn Benton. Best individual shot went to both Bill Goring and Pete Davies with a score of 25 out of 25. The day finished with a barbecue for all attending and their families.
June saw the start of the celebrations for Her Majesty the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee year, and following an invite from Walsall Council,
The Walsall Standard on parade outside Walsall Town Hall
John Kirk, Chairman of the Walsall Branch, presenting a plaque to The Secretary of the Amery Club on the occasion of the Social Evening on Saturday 12th May when the Club raised £1300 for Service Charities
Mac Powell our Standard bearer and members of the Branch attended a beacon lighting ceremony at Barr Beacon, a local beauty spot on the outskirts of Walsall. Our Branch Secretary Mr. Mick Webster managed to raise the branch profile by getting an interview with Radio West Midlands.
Members also attended the flag raising ceremony at Walsall Town Hall on Veterans Day and again our Standard and bearer were present.
During July Branch members were present at Armed Forces Day held at Himley Hall which is an annual event of marching bands and a full day’s entertainment, Mr. Phil Fairbrace and his team raised £105 on his tombola stand, of which £25 will be used to purchase a new Mercian Branch banner for the gazebo, the remainder of which being donated to the Association main fund. Well done, Phil!
Branch members joined forces with The Walsall & Bloxwich Branch of the Staffordshire Regiment Association outside the Walsall Town Hall in a protest against the disbanding of 3 MERCIAN
(Staffords) as part of the recent defence cuts. There was
an overwhelming response from the residents of the Town and 450 signatures were gathered in an hour. The Mayor was in full support of the protest and made
us all very welcome, even laying on tea and coffee for us.

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