Page 19 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 19

                                 Reconnaissance/Sniper Platoon by Capt Mal Wheeler
For the Recce and Sniper platoons 2012 commenced at the same frantic pace that 2011 finished. Recce deployed to Kenya
on Exercise ASKARI THUNDER with the
1 MERCIAN Battle Group. The exercise tested the platoon in arduous conditions, giving them the opportunity to display
their Reconnaissance capability. The platoon supported all three rifle companies throughout the deployment and it proved an excellent opportunity for a relatively junior platoon to shake out and learn the finer nuances of their craft. It would be wrong to single out individual performances but the standard across the board was exactly what one would expect of a recce platoon.
Concurrently the Sniper Platoon deployed to the somewhat less glamorous conditions of Thetford to complete the Sniper Part
2 course for the new sniper hopefuls. Despite the best efforts of a particularly
cold winter, the platoon conducted some excellent training and all the new snipers passed the challenging course, significantly enhancing the Battalion’s capability. As
the year has progressed, focus has turned
to forthcoming operations. The training schedule has been typically busy and both platoons have now merged to form an ISTAR Platoon for Op HERRICK 17.
The ISTAR platoon has been given the chance to develop a mutual understanding of our capabilities throughout MST. We were fortunate to be able to deploy complete as a platoon to Lydd for a three-week Infantry Recce Tech course. Aside from three weeks in the sunshine of the South Coast, the course gave the soldiers the opportunity to understand the nuances of covert camera work and using ground-sensors. Some of the Platoon showed a worrying aptitude for taking photos in secret, a skill-set that could no doubt be employed outside the Army!
The MST exercises, to date, have provided some excellent training opportunities. The ISTAR Platoon was fortunate to have a bespoke CFX in Thetford, allowing us to engage in the more covert surveillance aspect of operations as well as old-fashioned reconnaissance tasks such as Close Target Recce and leading
a rifle company on to an objective. The
Sgt Dickinson – Recce Pl Sgt proves he is on top of his admin!
Platoon were delighted to emerge with a strong report, well deserved, and all were relieved to avoid the ‘worst day in Helmand’ serials that were experienced by the rifle companies. Next in line was the CALFEX, conducted with A Company. The exercise allowed the platoon to exercise the ‘basics’ in the field in a more Rifle Platoon orientated scenario. Plenty of CASEVACs and compound-clearances; later we recovered to Catterick for some much needed leave.
As we sit on the eve of our deployment back to Afghanistan we can reflect on our year and anticipate what is ahead. We have welcomed new soldiers to the platoon and have engaged in some robust and varied training to prepare us for our role in theatre. The tour promises to be one of some interest for the Platoon. We have embraced the new challenges that have come our way and the performance at all ranks has been first class. Despite having to learn a new set of skills, as well as brushing up on the ‘basics’ of a Recce Platoon, in a relatively short space of time we have demonstrated our adaptability and set ourselves out as a ‘can-do’ platoon. We are all looking forward to showing what we can do on operations, despite having to write our Christmas lists slightly earlier this year than usual.
     Recce Pl, Kenya
Recce in over watch ASKARI THUNDER live firing

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