Page 44 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 44

    QM(M): QM(T): RQMS(M): RQMS(T):
Maj D Hallam Capt K Lincoln WO2 (RQMS) Higg
    inbottom MBE
   WO2 (RQMS) Clar
Det Comd: RAWO:
Capt T McEvoy Lt G MacNeill WO2 Martin
                                    The QM’s Dept by Sgt Allseybrook
It was a long, hard few months run-up to the QM’s Dept deploying on Op HERRICK with all the freight being packed and the clothing being issued to the troops,
but we got there in the end. All the Dept deployed
to Afghanistan except CSgt “Dinger” Bell and I, so we had a hard six months ahead of us in the Rear Operations Group running the whole
Dept between the two of us. We split
the accounts down and “Dinger”
ran the G1098 store, MSA account
and expense account, while I ran the
clothing, accommodation, stationery and
the Regimental property. We also had the task
of being visiting officers if anything happened to
the lads out on the Operation; which was not a
nice job. We had a great Christmas dinner with
all the SNCOs serving the junior ranks in the main cookhouse. We were all briefed that there was to be
no food thrown because of 19 Brigade Commander
being there, but that did not stop Pte Burden launching
a rock hard sprout at him. Luckily it missed but it hit
the OC straight in the eye, much to the amusement
of the audience! The time really went fast being so
busy and it was good to see the Battalion back after
a hard six months. On returning from Op HERRICK
we had to say our goodbyes to some of the well-
known people in the Dept: Farewell to Maj Slaney
who is posted to 4 MERCIAN, Capt Magill who took redundancy, CSgt Bell now at ARRC Support Battalion, Sgt
LCpl Hardy wonders if this will fit in his hold luggage
LCpl (Now Cpl) Smith fitting in another power nap
Hartshorne who went to ITC Catterick and Cpl Glover who is now a fully-fledged civvy. We also welcomed Maj Hallam as QM(M), Capt Lincoln as QM(T), WO2 Clark as RQMS(T) and CSgt Leach as Accommodation SNCO. The QM’s Dept are all now looking forward to some quality time in Belfast to do
some career courses and enjoy some sports and time off.
               AGC(SPS) Detachment – By Pte Shaw
2 MERCIAN deployed on Op HERRICK
15 split between different Battle Groups. Consequently, in order to provide effective G1 support, the AGC(SPS) Detachment personnel were also split. The majority, including the RAO and most of the Det, deployed as part of the 2 MERCIAN Echelon in Camp Bastion. The Company I was to support was attached to 3 SCOTS, therefore I was based in their Echelon.
I arrived in Camp Bastion in late September, where I
finished the Reception,
Staging and Onward
which was attached to 3 SCOTS Battle Group for the first half of the tour, before the rest of the Coy joined that Battle Group in the second half of the tour. This meant
I would be working with a unit I had no previous experience with (3 SCOTS), which would present some significant challenges when trying to administer effective G1 support for the soldiers on the ground.
My day to day tasks while in Camp Bastion were quite similar to those I would
expected to carry out sangar duties in one of the sangars surrounding Camp Bastion, as well as be part of the Quick Reaction Force.
This was my first tour of Op HERRICK.
I was initially nervous, but as the tour progressed I relaxed into it and 3 SCOTS
as well as 2 MERCIAN welcomed me in
with witty banter and gentle ribbing. The
six months passed relatively quickly with
a constant stream of G1 issues, but my training and support from my friends in the AGC Det and from the RAO got me through. I really enjoyed the experience, and cannot wait to get out there again soon.
     Integration package and moved to “Camp 501”. I was to be working with 1 Platoon of A (Grenadier Company,
i arrived in camp Bastion in late September...
carry out back in the UK. Tasks such as checking pay and allowances, the tracking of personnel and the administration
of discipline cases. Alongside those however, I was also

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