Page 78 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 78

Pl Comd 4 Pl: Pl Comd 5 Pl: Pnr Pl:
Maj C Massingham Capt M Polglase
Capt Jim Stewart WO2 (CSM) M Simcox WO2 (SPSI) P Barnett N/A
CSgt J Hill CSgt Ian Brown Lt L Watts
Lt P Cornell
                                off that weekend!). The other group went top-roping in the woods, with some other challenges. It, again, was a little different and required some skills – ask Sgt Swan! The roping ended up with a 50ft power glide. This was followed by a 106ft power glide! Several members of the Coy declared that they were scared of heights and
then, in the true traditions of Adventure Training, attempted the drop. To their credit every man jumped,
although Pte Blakey
recent service on OP HERRICK whilst with 1 MERCIAN.
Recruiting remains an important focus for the Company and is driven forward by WO2 Philips with the support of both Sgt Gregory and Sgt Maher, with LCpl Sleeman following on behind. The Company, I am pleased to report has had a steady inflow, with 47 recruits at various stages in the system. The challenge is then preparing
a good, committed and loyal workforce who have benefited from military training.
As for the future; we await the outcome of FR 2020. The main focus for the Company is now to provide as much support as possible, be it manpower for training or mobilised soldiers to OP TOSCA in Cyprus (the next Operation on the horizon for the Battalion). This should prove interesting and a challenge, and with opportunities to work in some demanding conditions. In the near future the Mortar Platoon are due to deploy shortly to Salisbury Plain to carry
out a Cadre followed by a Live Firing shoot which the Platoon are eager to attend and complete.
As I draw this report to a close I do so with a little sadness. This will be my last report as OC B Coy as I am due to retire from the TA in the coming year. I would
like to take this opportunity to thank each and every member of B Company for their support and friendship they have given me during my tenure as OC B Company. I have some fond memories which I shall treasure. I just close by wishing them and their families all the very best in the future and to stay safe wherever their service takes them.
 demonstrated a different shade of pale when he eventually landed!
The challenge is then preparing them for the long recruit-training process culminating with cic at catterick.
them for the long recruit-training process culminating with CIC at Catterick. We also have a few potential Officers, who will hopefully provide the leadership the Company will need in the future. In recent times the Company has taken a few ex-Regular soldiers with another seven in the pipeline.
Several members
of the Company have
stood out in their
achievements and
should be mentioned.
Firstly, Pte Peterson
took part in a 200-mile
run for charity and
raised funds for the Royal British Legion, so well done to him. Secondly, we offer our congratulations to the SPSI, WO2 M Henry, on being awarded and presented with the Bronze Star for valour by the US for his
Interesting times lie ahead for the Company to see if we can attract any ex-Servicemen who have been made redundant.
The Company is also keen to ensure we maintain good strong links with employers of our soldiers who can in turn be reliant on
 c company
It is tempting to buck the trend and start with C Company has had a quiet year. It started with the annual camp in Wales, then had soldiers deployed in Helmand, Malta, Cyprus, Scotland with others spending time on Op Olympic. Those remaining
at Mansfield have recruited, supplied, administered trained (and occasionally partied) so they didn’t feel left out.
Dave Waiton had been with C company for 7 years when he handed over the position of QPSI to CSgt Ian Brown. Dave a former jump jockey
amount of work went into making this a great success and 2Lt Lloyd Watts and Sgt Hill were responsible for scaling the high battlements of paperwork to ensure that a good time was had by all those who attended.
A big thanks to the company for the extra work put in this year at the Regimental Memorial weekend at Crich. This year having all four regimental Colours on Parade for the first time was a significant achievement in planning and execution. It
   neatly combined his passion of bloodsport with his time in the Army. He was the main force behind
A big thanks to the company for the extra work put in this year at the regimental Memorial weekend at crich.
was a long weekend
for all concerned, nevertheless very satisfying to see it come together so well on the day. Particular thanks go to our QPSI Brown and to CSgt Walker for his help in the stores and to 2Lt Lloyd Watts for his ensign skills on parade with the colour party.
Huge congratulations must go to WO1 Mick Hancock on his promotion and although we are all sad to see him move onwards from Mansfield to Grantham, he will be a great ambassador for C Company and 4 MERCIAN in his new position with the Recruit Training Team.
Congratulations also must go to CSM Simcox who steps into the large shoes left by WO1 Hancock and to CSgts Hill and Mee with their promotions.
We also say farewell to SPSI Bob Gardner who has for the last 6 months been in Helmand and who comes back to hand over to WO2 Barnett from 2 MERCIAN
who returns to the company from Northern Ireland.
With significant changes to the command structure in C Company in the next year
I have every confidence that the high standards laid down in the previous years can be maintained especially with the steadying hand of Captain Jim Stewart on the tiller as PSAO.
 the Battalion’s annual
sniping exercise in
Scotland where the
blend of fitness, core
infantry skills and local
conservation in the
Scottish Highlands is
a fine legacy for us to carry on at Wyvis Training area in the heart of the Highlands. One of the mountain goats that went this year was C Company’s Cpl Mark Shaw who came back as the Top Gun.
Op Olympic was well attended by
C Company with the soldiers being split between Eton Dorney and Pudding Mill Lane and the Olympic Park, (see the separate Olympic article).
As I write this Major Chris Massingham is on leave prior to deploying on Herrick 17, with 1 MERCIAN as their SO2 G5; we wish him and Pte Ventress the best of luck in the forthcoming months.
 April 6th 2012 saw Badajoz Platoon,
C Company celebrating the Bi-Centenary. This saw a Ceremonial Parade in Nottingham, with recruiting and education elements to the day culminating in an all ranks mess dinner in the evening. A huge

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