Page 82 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 82

G T Kaye, Captain 2IC E ‘RIFLES’ Coy 4 MERCIAN
Ex ASPIRING RIFLEMAN was a joint exercise which took place at Nessclife Training Area (NTA) over the weekend 16 – 17 June 2012. E ‘RIFLES’ Coy, 4 MERCIAN took the lead for the exercise, which was supported by Telford and Wrekin Council (TWC), West Mercia Police (WMP) and Shropshire County Council (SCC).
The weekend had various aims and objectives. The main aim of the exercise was for these corporate bodies to develop the Young People in Care (YP) by giving them an insight into a disciplined approach to life whilst extolling the virtues of team work and an active lifestyle.
It was also a key fundamental aim to enable the corporate bodies to work together, engage with YP and develop relations as YP in care are a hard-to-reach group, for both the Army and the Police. The YP took part in various activities aimed at developing their self confidence, boosting their self esteem whilst promoting the benefits of team work and co operation.
A total of 13 YP aged between 14 and 18 attended the weekend. All the YP were in the care system, and all of them had experienced a difficult start to their lives. They had experienced abuse or neglect. As a consequence these YP have been identified as vulnerable and are or have been in danger of being physically or sexually abused or exploited.
A Police Sergeant, Community Support Officer, four youth participation workers from the councils assisted, as well as other visitors over the weekend. The purpose of these professionals was to act as mentors and chaperones to the young people over the weekend.
The organisation of the weekend was straight forward. Maj Watson OC E ‘RIFLES’ Coy obtained the necessary consent from CO 4 MERCIAN. Capt Kaye 2IC E Coy is also an Inspector with West Mercia Police, was able to liaise with the councils and was the intermediary, facilitating the event. WOII (SPSI) Coxon booked
The Participants in Ex ASPIRING RIFLEMAN, E Coy soldiers are L-R Cpl Evans, Rfn Turner, L/Cpl Bate
the training locations after completing a recce of the area with Capt Kaye and three Participation Workers from TWC and SCC. The recce and the dialogue between the council and the Army settled initial apprehension about the content of the exercise in the minds of the participation workers. Both councils selected YP whom they thought would benefit most from the weekend.
The Exercise
All participants met at Nesscliffe on Saturday 16 June 2012. After the initial nominal roll, the YP were briefed on the conduct of the weekend. They then went to the assault course, where they began to gel. The initial reaction from some of the YP was one of reluctance to engage and to attempt the obstacles. There was also a lack of belief insofar as some YP thought that they would never be able to get over certain objects such as the 12ft wall. However some YP were keen to tackle some of the obstacles, their enthusiasm assisted in the motivation of the others. At the conclusion of the assault course the YP had learnt that they had to work as a team to achieve certain tasks and the attitude of some had gone from “I can’t do that so I won’t try it” to “I can actually do it, watch me do it again.”
After the assault course the YP were given a lesson on how to cook from a 24 hour ration pack. They were then issued a ration
                                  “Divers Down” L-R: L/Cpl Zaza and Rfn Davies adventure training in Malta.
2012 started with a lot of activity. During the months of January and February, soldiers from the company went to Chilwell for two weekends of Counter IED (CIED) training. This was mainly geared for those who were deploying on Op HERRICK 17; however, it was a good learning opportunity for soldiers who had never deployed or those whose skills were rusty. At the same time the Company had soldiers on range management courses, with drill nights being spent learning and refreshing CIED drills and conducting PT sessions.
L-R: Rfn Empson, Capt Mahoney MBE, Rfn Halls and Rfn Summerfield enjoy the parachuting adventurous training in Cyprus during Ex LION STAR
Rfn Rob Davies attended the basic chefs course at Prince William of Gloucester Barracks, Grantham, where he was graded the top student on the
and Rfn Halls over the assault course, before taking part in command tasks,
a navigation exercise, camouflage and concealment, basha construction and basic survival skills. The culmination of the weekend saw the young people shoot on the 25m range. The young people thoroughly enjoyed themselves and we will hopefully see new recruits to The Rifles in the future.
We have also had a fantastic opportunity for adventurous training which was arranged by 143 Brigade, which E Coy
has taken full advantage of. This year Rfns Empson, Davies, Oliver and L/Cpl Zaza have all been to Malta for scuba diving, and gain their PADI Open Water and other qualifications. L/Cpl Zaza, Rfns Halls and Lomas went to Norway and learnt Nordic skiing. Finally, L/Cpl Bate has passed his Mountain Bike Instructors Course and is
course. He put his newly learned skills into action catering for the staff and participants during Ex ASPIRING RIFLEMAN, which was held during June 2012.
The young people were put through their paces by L/Cpl Bate
At the same time the company had soldiers on range management courses...
available to teach and take groups on this challenging activity.
Major Watson
took soldiers from
the Company to Cyprus in April 2012 where they took part in Ex Lion Star 3 (LS3) or Lion
Star 5 (LS5). LS3 was aimed primarily at those

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