Page 85 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 85

                                  Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Armed Forces Muster – Windsor 19 May 2012
Pte Binns
the chance to become involved and get new skills under their belts. Most recently,
F Company has a small number of soldiers who have mobilised for HERRICK 17 and we wish them the best of luck for a safe and successful tour. Four of our soldiers have also mobilised on Op OLYMPICS and all are so far enjoying the chance to play a part in such an important and high-profile event.
We already have a number of members who have put their names forward for
Op TOSCA, the six-month tour of Cyprus. Indeed, our annual camp this year, which was in Cyprus, was specifically themed with Op TOSCA in mind and was, for some of
our newest members, a great introduction to operating in very high temperatures. A much- anticipated adventure training weekend also went ahead in August with a number of really exciting activities enjoyed by all.
So with a good programme of company and Battalion level training also scheduled as well as opportunities to go to Uganda and Denmark later this year, we are all
full steam ahead at F Company. Here’s to another successful year.
From L-R: Ptes Bailey, Pettet, Parker and Cpl Perryman
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
The first day of celebrations to mark her 60-year reign opened with the Armed Forces Muster held at Windsor Castle. Four members of the Kidderminster branch of
F Company were selected to represent the Battalion along with their regular Mercian counterparts, who took part in three days of rehearsals at Pirbright followed by the parade itself at Windsor Castle. The march began in the grounds of Windsor Castle, up the long march and into the quadrant where troops gave the eyes right to Her Majesty, the Duke of
on as the Queen made her address. The highlight of the day, second only to seeing Her Majesty up close, of course, was the fly-past which saw an unprecedented array of aircraft all accompanied by a rendition
of “Land of Hope and Glory”. The soldiers who attended said it was a very memorable day and a very proud moment indeed to be involved in such an event.
Saturday, 23rd June saw the first F Coy summer dinner and dance to be held at the Kidderminster TA Centre. A display of drums by Burton members kicked off the
Edinburgh and Chief of
Defence Staff General
Sir David Richards. The
troops then proceeded
through Windsor town
to a mass of onlookers
and flag wavers
believed to number
25,000. As many as
2,000 members of all
three services, Army,
Navy and Royal Air
Force, then assembled in a purpose-built arena where various dignitaries looked
evening, and soldiers and their partners had the chance to enjoy a three-course meal and disco. A great night was had by all and the evening was a great success, with the same event scheduled again for next year
The forthcoming year is certainly going to
be another busy one
for F Company: with lots of deployments and activities on offer, soldiers really have
 The soldiers who attended said it was a very memorable day and a very proud moment indeed to be involved in such an event.
      L/Cpl Brown on duty with Afghan National Army soldiers
Sgt Maj Spooner assists a student with his aim
L/Cpl Ainsworth gives target indicators

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