Page 34 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2021
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quality multipurpose compost. They can also be sown into 75mm pots if you have no modules available. Keep them growing cool and move outside once the weather starts to warm in late February / early March before the plants start going leggy. Plant out in early March and they will crop in late May and miss the blackfly, it is very rare I have any problems with blackfly. Use either Aqaudulce or The Sutton.
It is usually recommended to
sow the peas in -situ in late October early November, the soil is cooling although peas will germinate at a low temperature. The main problems are mice and seed or root rot, although
if the weather comes in really cold this can thin the seedlings out. If you have cloches or fleece and cover the seedlings this improves the chances of survival. If the plants are sheltered, you will be rewarded with an early crop and avoid the pea moth. Use the wrinkled type of peas although they are not as sweet as the round seeded, they are hardier, cultivars include Feltham First, Meteor, Avola and Kelvedon Wonder.
Onion sets ‘Senshyu Yellow’
north it is a bit late for that so start them off indoor first to ensure enough growth before the bad weather comes. They are hardy and will overwinter outside although they do not make
a lot of growth before the spring,
they will produce good sized onions for summer use. Cultivars include
Sowing cauliflower in the autumn is a very good way of avoiding cabbage white caterpillar damage as the curds are harvested before they
come out of hibernation.
Sow in seed trays in
seed compost in October
in a cool greenhouse,
once germinated and
they are large enough to
handle prick them out
into 100mm pots into
multipurpose compost.
Grow on in a cold
greenhouse, ventilate
on warm days as it is
important to grow the
plants cool otherwise,
they get leggy and too
big to plant out. Water as required but grow on the dry side to reduce botrytis problems. Plant out in mid-March and they will be ready to harvest in late May / June. Use a proper autumn sown cultivar like Maybach, if you sow other types, they will bolt instead of forming a good curd.
The Japanese or overwintering onions can still be sown in early October in the southern parts of the U.K., it’s a bit late to sow outdoors so sow in seed trays, prick out and grow on before planting out. They can also be grown from sets and these can be either planted straight out or started in pots and then planted out, if in the southern U.K plant outside further
Senshyu, Shakespeare, Electric and Radar. Whilst looking at
the Allium family two vegetables commonly planted in October / November and even into December are shallots and garlic. Both are very hardy and will overwinter outside with no protection and will be ready to harvest in July. These days there are many cultivars of garlic so choose what
grows best for you, give some different cultivars a go to select the best. Readily available are Lautrec Wight, Solent Wight, and Sultop. Shallot cultivars include Jermor, Hative de Niort, Longor AGM, Matador AGM and Red Sun.
Although on the late side spring cabbage can still be sown and definitely planted out. Sow them in early October in a seed tray and prick out into pots or modules (this will
give them a quick start to get large enough plants) and then plant out when large enough (75mm high). To save time it may be possible to buy plants or plug plants to plant out. They can be planted close, and every other
Sowing cauliflower in the autumn is a very good way of avoiding cabbage white caterpillar damage
Spinach ‘Apollo’
plant harvested early allowing the remaining ones to reach full size. They should be ready from March to May.
Winter lettuce can be grown outside if using a hardy cultivar like Winter Density, May King or Valdor. Sow
them in early October either in-situ outdoors and thin out to 75mm apart when germinated or in seed trays and prick out into small modules and plant out 100mm apart when large enough. They are grown close together as there are likely to be some winter losses, but you should still get a worthwhile crop. If the plants are still close in the spring pick some early as salad leaves and leave the others to grow on.
Other salad plants that can be sown are land cress, spinach, corn salad, claytonia (miner’s lettuce), and winter purslane, sow direct outside in October and they will be ready to harvest from March onwards. If you have any spare radish seed, they can be worth a go, in mild winter you should get a crop.
If you have a greenhouse, polytunnel or cold frames available sow carrots, lettuce, spinach, chard, radish, winter
34 Simply Vegetables