Page 45 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2021
P. 45

                                  Seasonal jobs
I said last month that the sowing season is nearly over but there is
still time to sow salad crops such as lettuce, radish and corn salad. They can be sown direct but lettuce and corn salad can be sown in cell trays and planted out later. I think they
are better grown in a greenhouse border at this time of year but if you are growing them outside , protect them with cloches. I have mentioned the varieties for sowing at this time
of year previously but here they are again for the benefit of new members. The most widely available lettuce
for sowing now is Vailan winter gem (D, S, B, F). There are also Marvel of four seasons (Sh, B), Arctic King (Sh) and Brighton (D). For radish there
are Black Spanish (S, R, Sh, B), China rose (Sh) , Mantanghong (D), and April Cross (Sh, B). For corn salad, the varieties are Vit (Sh, B), Large leaved (D, S), Trophy (M)and Vision (F).
Peas and broad beans can also be sown this month. They can be sown direct or started off in pots to be planted later. For peas, you need a round seeded variety such as Douce Provence (most suppliers. Suttons have a new variety for 2021 called Proval, recommended for sowing this month. Broad beans
for sowing now are Aquadulce Claudia (most suppliers), Super Aquadulce (D, S, B, F), Luz de Otono (D, S, M. B, F), and De Monica (most suppliers).
It is a good idea to sow some herbs such as parsley, basil and coriander on the kitchen windowsill for winter use.
Sweet peas can also be sown this month to give early flowers next year. They can be sown direct if the ground has been prepared ready but I prefer to sow them in small pots (drinking cups), one per pot. Keep them in a cold greenhouse or frame over winter and plant them out in spring.
You can also sow green manure now if you didn’t do so before. This is a quick growing crop which is later dug in to improve the soil.
plant? Winter onion sets can be planted if not done already. I plant mine in the brassica bed where crops have been harvested. This is because, next year this will be the root crop bed which is the only bed that doesn’t get manured in winter. I couldn’t dig and manure the ground if there were onions growing in it, could I? I just rake in some general fertiliser before planting and just push the sets in till the tops are just showing. Varieties for planting now are Senshyu yellow (D, S, M. B. F), Shakespeare (M. B, F), Electric (D, S, B, F) and Autumn Champion (D, S). There are varieties of garlic for autumn planting too. They are Laurec Wight (M, R, B, F), Caulk Wight (M, R, B, F), Early purple Wight (M, B, F) and Germidour (D, S, R).
Rhubarb can be planted this month. It is a permanent crop so prepare the ground by digging in plenty of organic matter such as manure. Also, existing clumps of rhubarb can be dug up and divided. It pays to do this every few years.
If you have any cabbages, broccoli or sprouts ready for planting, do so as
Carrots harvested
soon as you can before the really cold weather comes. You may also have lettuce ready for planting so these need to go in either in the greenhouse border or outside protected by cloches.
I mentioned planting spring bulbs such as daffodils last month and they can still be planted. Something else you could do if you want spring colour is to plant some spring bedding such as wallflowers and sweet williams. You could, of course, have grown some
 So much for sowing , but what can we
Marigold Tall Scotch prize
Simply Vegetables 45

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