Page 49 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2021
P. 49

                                   Chrysanth stools on warming bench
You can still sow herbs on your kitchen windowsill as I have said before and also microgreens. There are many types to choose from and all seed suppliers sell them. You can sow them in trays or pots.
My main job in my propagating greenhouse this month is to give it
a good clean in preparation for the coming season. I have said this before but I am repeating it because it is important. I transfer all the plants to my other greenhouse and brush the staging and shelves and spray them with disinfectant. I also sweep the floor and clean the windows. I have three warming benches with warming cables between layers of sand and a large propagator. They all get cleaned and I replace the sand on the benches with fresh.
I then put the boxes of chrysanth stools on the warming benches to start them into growth then, hopefully, I can start taking cuttings in January
or February. Chrysanths are prone
to a disease called white rust and
from now on I spray the stools with
a good fungicide every few weeks as
a prevention. If plants do get white rust there is no cure so the thing to
do is to prevent it from coming in
the first place. When transferring my plants back into this greenhouse I examine them all, tidying them up and removing any dying leaves.
Another job I do in preparation for the coming season is to wash all my seed trays and hundreds of pots. Yet another job I do is to examine all my canes to check that they are still sound
Apple tree pruned
Trenches fror runner beans and sweet peas
 Leeks just potted up
and sort them into sizes and tie them into bundles of the same size.
If you didn’t finish collecting leaves from the garden, finish doing it now and stack them in an enclosure of wire netting or put them in bags to produce leaf mould. Another small job is to examine your tree ties to see they are still secure or if any need replacing.
cabbage and possibly leeks, chard, kale, parsnips, carrots, turnips, swedes and celeriac. If the ground isn’t frozen it is a good idea to lift some root crops and plant them temporarily in boxes or buckets of old compost and keep them somewhere frost free then you will always have some when you
need them. Also, don’t forget to keep
You should still have crops for harvesting such as sprouts and
3. :=>?;A@<CBKLMNOIHGFEPJ♂ checking other veg you have in store
such as potatoes.
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 Puzzle Answers
Quiz Answers
1. Aster
2. Weeping Willow
3. Iris
4. True
5. Madagascar
Emoji Quiz Answers
1. Tom Cruise
2. Kevin Spacey
3. Winona Ryder
4. Penelope Cruz
Riddle Answer:
This is a watermelon
Answers (Not in the same page and smaller)
9 x 9 Vegetable Sudoku
9 x 9 Vegetable Sudoku
  Empty greenhouse December
Riddle Answer:
This is a watermelon
Simply Vegetables 49

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