Page 52 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2021
P. 52

                                Scottish Branch AGM
 We are happy to report that the Scottish Branch held it’s AGM on Saturday 17th July in the main Aytoun Hall, Auchterarder. Whilst 2021 has been a challenge regarding Scottish Branch meetings, and our usual small hall meeting room’s capacity had been reduced to 7, we therefore booked the main hall with a reduced
had caused. Ian also reflected on the sad loss of George McSkimming (a legend within the Scottish Branch and throughout the NVS).
Our AGM saw the continuation of our officers in their current roles along with all current committee members. Our Trustee Reps - Gareth Cameron
National Secretary. Ian also thanked Gareth Cameron for the work he does at Branch and National level working continuously with our partners and with the 200 club.
Alistair Gray
capacity of 26 (normally 280).
With covid restrictions and safety precautions in and appropriately spaced-out seating, 17 members attended the meeting. It is totally understandable that
Ian Stocks opened the meeting with a warm welcome
and Ian Simpson were also happy to continue in their roles and our Dundee Reps – Les Craib and David Nelson were also happy to continue in these positions too.
Ian Stocks thanked all our officers, Fred Stewart with his meticulous
A new outcome from the AGM is that I’m delighted to announce that the Scottish branch now has a new Vice President in Alistair Gray. Alistair joined the NVS back in 1975, became a qualified NVS judge in 1982 and has been a Scottish Branch Committee member since 2013. His experience and knowledge will provide great support for the Scottish Branch and our President Jim Williams.
Planning for the future
It is noted that Frank Taylor had advised he would be standing down as Branch Show Manager after the 2021 show, so we will be looking for someone to fulfil this role in the near future. Linda Stocks also advised the Committee that she will be standing down as Branch Treasurer in 2022.
If anyone would like to take on one of these roles, please let us know to enable smooth transition planning for next year.
Fiona Shenfield
 not everyone was able to attend, with some wishing to stay safe at home and not travel as safety always comes first. A big thankyou to all who turned out, it was lovely to see you. None of the usual cakes, biscuits and cuppas, but plenty of warm virtual hugs and humour.
Ian Stocks opened the meeting with a warm welcome and he firstly reflected on the challenges that covid
work as membership Secretary, Linda Stocks for her support and accurate work as Treasurer. Linda in turn also thanked the DA’s for their timely submission of their accounts as well as the work done by Jean Forrester, National Treasurer. Ian thanked the team of Neil Muirhead and Frank Taylor for the show planning and management, Fiona Shenfield for her work as Scottish Branch Secretary and
  Scottish Branch - 200 Club
In January, you may recall that we included a 200 club entry form in with your copy of your magazine and that this year the prize draw is running from March to December. At the time of writing, we have held the 1st two first prize draws for 2021 and we would like to thank all our 200 club members. Understandably, the numbers are less this year, as we haven’t been out and about, but thanks go to Gareth Cameron too, who does a great job in increasing the numbers every year.
The 2020 draw results are noted below, congratulations!
It’s never too late to join and you do not have to be a Scottish Branch member (or even an NVS member) to join, so please encourage friends and family too).
If anyone requires a copy of the 200 club form, you can now find a PDF copy in the “Resources” section of the NVS website to enable you to print one out, alternatively contact Gareth Cameron. 2 Dyke Nook, Yeathouse Road, Frizington, Cumbria CA26 3QL. Telephone: 07935 117 397 or email:
Prize money is dependent on how many 200 Club members we have with half the revenue generated going towards the Scottish Branch funds and half going towards prize money.
  First Prize £20
  Second Prize £10
Oliver Keith
Bruce Begg
  Alistair Gray
  Jim Dunnett
Billy Reid
John Currie
  Nick Ferguson
  Jim Pearson
 Ian Stocks
 Mrs D Dolman
   Thanks again to everyone and good luck for this year.
 Virtual show congratulations
Congratulations go to Calum Clunie for having entered the Southern Branch’s virtual show. Calum, who we mentioned
last week as starting out at the Beechgrove Garden, came first in the stump carrots class. Those carrots also matched Calum’s polo shirt rather well! So well
done to the Southern branch for your competition and to Calum for his entry so early in the year.
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