Page 7 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2021
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meetings, so rather than delete these societies it was agreed to “furlough” them and contact them in the first instance to understand their status and future plans.
The holding of Branch AGMs has proven difficult again this year because of COVID
time, but the original plan for the AGM to be held at Shrewsbury FC had to shift as a fixture change meant they were now playing at home). There are plans being put in place to photograph and video parts of the show for members to view on-line at a later date.
Membership renewal forms are normally added to the Simply
We are delighted to
advise that Raymond
Higgins has now been
co-opted on to the
Trustees committee
following his report
in April entitled
“understanding the member’s requirements”. Raymond has since recently set up an online survey of members which Raymond reported in a well-presented detailed report to the trustees. Please refer to summary report on pages 26 & 27.
Vegetables magazine for all members in October, however it was agreed that these will only be sent out to members who currently pay manually (i.e. cash or cheque) members that pay on line will automatically be reminded of membership renewal prior to their renewal date.
Future Trustee meetings. Currently there are four planned key meetings per year and an AGM. After discussion, it was proposed that in future more frequent meetings will be held by trustees, each with a shorter
News from the Trustees July 2021
The Trustees held two meetings
in July and confirmed that the standardised A4 Presentation folders for new members who join at an event are now complete and available, along with the new pin badges (please refer to page 22 re the pin badges).
Trustees noted that a number of societies had not yet renewed their membership for 2021, this may be because of the covid situation and clubs not holding
planned their AGM for October. Up
to date information can be found within the branch sections of this SV magazine edition and on the NVS web site.
Plans for the National championships to be held near Shrewsbury were reported to be going well. Along with the NVS AGM, planned for Sept 11th, with a late venue change, not due to covid this
focused agenda
via zoom with
maybe just one
face to face meeting per year plus the AGM. This will also reduce the amount of traveling time for trustees, improve safety and reduce the governance costs including cost of room hire and travel expenses.
The Trustees agreed that following the success of the newly introduced Zoom talks, that we will plan to create a zoom talk programme for the coming winter months between October and March.
It was noted that 13 of the 20 new growing leaflets have now been produced with a few still outstanding, these leaflets are now available to view and print via the Library section of the web site.
Communication with our external commercial sponsors and partners
is continuing to work well with some seed companies experiencing good sales again this year, look out for further information on our partners in our Simply Vegetables magazine and our website.
Judges’ exam, again because of the covid there is still some uncertainty on which branch if any will be holding the judges exam this year and where, at the time of writing the Scottish branch is planning to hold the practical and written exam on Oct 2nd.
Aside from the AGM, currently the next planned Trustees meeting is 9th October.
The holding of Branch AGMs
has proven difficult again this year because of Covid, although as I
write this article, restrictions are being lifted, the Scottish Branch and Midlands Branch have just completed theirs and the Welsh branch have
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