Page 6 - Oundle Life September 2021
P. 6

                                TOWN COUNCIL
Rings the changes
It seems a good time for Oundle Town Council (OTC) to look to a rosy future beyond Covid. With OTC very aware of the health
and environmental benefits of fresh air and green spaces, we’re putting extra emphasis
on our estate. We’re also conscious to offer residents of Oundle excellent value for money, through community grants, facility use, and a Transport Study as one way of helping Oundle cope with the 1000+ new residents we might face sharing our town with by 2030.
Fresh Faces – the 2021 election brought in two people who have not served our community as councillors before. Liz Holland notes that: “I have only lived in Oundle for a couple of years, but I knew early on that I would want to stand for the Town Council. I have been involved
with local government for nearly two decades, mostly as a clerk , and I understand
the important role local councils
play. I have no particular agenda to
promote, just a love of the town; and
by volunteering as a councillor, I can
help support and develop the town
in ways which both recognise its past
and take it sustainably into the future. Volunteering is such a positive choice
– it creates an energy and positivity in
itself which I have already experienced
in my first few months with OTC.”
In an important plea, Liz notes
that: “Women are particularly underrepresented on the council, and
I would love to speak to any women who may feel a spark of interest in joining us. Whilst my children are grown up and gone, I still work fulltime and can find the time for the commitment this post needs.”
Luke Jones adds: “Working in secondary education, I know only too well that it takes people working together to get the best from our designs. I also know that you only get from life that which you put in. It’s principally for these two reasons that I joined OTC. There is no
better way, I’m beginning to find, to get to know the place where you live, to make a difference to it and, most crucially, to work with committed
people in the process. And we all surely agree, Oundle is a very special place to live, work and play.
“I have been a resident of Oundle
for just over 2 years with my wife (also a teacher) and three children who all (nearly) attend Oundle Primary School. Like many families, we take advantage of many of the brilliant pursuits, clubs and activities generously given by local people, whether it be cricket (OTCC), football (OTFC), dance in the Victoria Hall, tennis (OTTC) and swimming (Oundle Otters) – and I’m sure that’s not even the half of it!
“Some readers will also know I stood as the Green Party candidate in the NNC elections so, naturally, my priorities are green. I’d love Oundle to declare a climate emergency and to promote the CEE Bill to our MP in due course. The COP26 climate conference in November is an ideal time to drum up support from Oundle residents to support COP26 and tackle the climate emergency tangibly. I don’t want to see Oundle and indeed North Northants left out in the first stages.”
     Cllr Luke Jones
 Cllr Liz Holland
  I’d love
to declare a climate emergency and to promote the CEE Bill to our MP in due course

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