Page 23 - 1RHA 2023
P. 23
1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
Light Aid Detachment Capt Simon Tallis OC Workshops
Winter 2022/23
1RHA LAD has had a very intense year starting the winter with E Bty fitter section finishing up their UKSB commitment and deploying on Ex TALLINN DAWN CSTTX in preparation for the upcoming deployment on Op CABRIT and member of the remaining fitter sections deployed to Japan on Ex VIGILANT ISLES to strengthen relations between our two countries. Head- ing to Christmas leave for some much need rest and relaxing after a busy exercise period, ready to begin a new year filled with many new opportunities. No one expected the announcement of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, along with this announcement came of the UK support efforts in the form of Project ALBA, the main effort for 1st RHA along with 19 RA was the gifting in kind (GiK) of the AS90 and providing of training to Ukrainian soldiers in the use of the equipment. There were many late nights from every- one included, especially with the increasing shorting of deadlines brought on by the escalation of intensity of the conflict in Ukraine. Nothing was spared in the effort the get the fleet ready to be sent on the long journey to Ukraine.
Spring 2023
With Project ALBA ending E Bty fitter section headed to Estonia for their deployment on OP CABRIT in support of the QRH bat- tlegroup, rolling straight into Ex SPRING STORM, the main effort being an amalgamation of various nation, which was a huge suc- cess proving that the fitter section could work under any condi- tion be it snow or blistering heat. With hard work also comes play, seeing the fitter section compete in various activities such as Junior Vs Senior Football matches, watching and support- ing the local football tournaments, Paintballing and Go karting events and even friendly competition Sunday Park runs which Sgt Swift took as his own personal goal to be the fastest person in the battle group. With E Bty fitter out the door B Bty fitters started their pre-deployment training with the commencement of Ex CHEQUERED STRIKE followed up with all relevant range time needed to get everyone qualified for the tour straight in to easter leave and then deploying on Ex CABRIT TEMPEST the last big push in training for their future deployment on OP CABRIT,
B Bty Fitter Section on their CRARRV in Germany on Ex CABRIT TEMPEST
SSgt Bridger and Cfn Naikelekelevesi inspecting a Bulldog pack in Estonia on Op CABRIT 12
LCpl Feck conducting a pack lift preparing vehicles for Ex TALLINN DAWN, in Germany