Page 33 - QDG Year of 2020
P. 33

                                1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Catering Department
    The year 2020 looked so promising. With our diaries filled to the maximum ready for the annual celebrations, Mess func- tions and BBQs. Then Lockdown was upon us, and what followed was a first for all of us.
Firstly, the department was deployed on EX WESSEX STORM. Where we split down into two teams with Cpl Reed and LCpl Gitau being sent to work in a busy field kitchen which was met with its own challenges including the weather, where Storm Dennis proved too strong to keep all the kitchen in one place! The rest of the department were deployed to the Regiment’s favourite location West Down Camp. This also met with its own chal- lenges with the team having to work with Chefs from India and their great hygiene practices!
LCpl Pun had the pleasure of being the first member of the Regiment to deploy on OP RESCRIPT where he supported the QOGLR Regiment during the national Lockdown. He did this with great feedback and high praise from all personnel involved with the operation.
After a quiet summer with all the func- tions and celebrations being cancelled, most of the department swapped their ladles for rifles and went up to a very rainy Warcop in Cumbria for the Regi- mental ranges. Following this LCpl Gitau managed to get himself a long assign-
troops before the testing 48hrs ahead. Whist in location they had a visit from the Commanding Officer and guests including the Deputy commander 1 UK Div Brigadier Yann Gravethe in which a VIP lunch was produced which was enjoyed by all attending.
Sgt Dunn achieved a number of refer- eeing milestones, achieving a promotion 7-6, the pleasure of refereeing the semi-final and final of the Edwards Cup (Women’s Football), Masey Trophy and the REME cup semi-final. He was also appointed 2 fixtures in the FA Vase non-league civilian competition.
 ment to BATUK and Sgt Hodgson and Pte Watson were deployed on OP CABRIT.
Next came the support of the Mullens Cup, whilst the majority of the Regiment were competing in the competition, Cpl Gurung and Pte Bromley-Morris set up a feeding station serving up some tasty morsels at the EXCON location.
Moving on to late September/early October the regiment deployed on the SERE exercise. In support of this the department had lots of fun handling dead rabbits, trout and making a small temporary home to 30 live chickens. The team of Cpl Gurung and Pte Brom- ley-Morris were together again in another successful triumph in feeding the
 We would like to welcome the following from the department:
Sgt Dunn arrived arriving from 35 Engineer Regiment (EOD).
Cpl Akerman from 26 Engineer Regiment and Pte Bromley-Morris from the Scots Guards.
And say goodbye to some members on well-earned promotions:
Cpl Reed promoted to Sgt and posted to 7 Reg RLC.
LCpl Pun was finally promoted after a long 6-year spell at Robertson Barracks.
Congratulations also to LCpl Gitau and Pte Watson who also promoted.
The RAP’s year started on Salisbury Plain in January on EX WESSEX STORM. There had been substantial planning and preparation for this, so it was a great run out for the team. The RAP was bolstered by the RY med Sgt – Sgt Yeates, who was there getting experience for
by taking over the old morgue on camp and converting this into a team medic training facility. They have invested a huge amount of time and effort and this has paid off with the excellent feedback they have received from course
The whole RAP deployed onto EX EVASION
EAGLE in October with Cpl Newbury also working as a SERE instructor. The harsh conditions of the exercise provided the CMTs with plenty of opportunity to use their core skills and integrate with the unit. There were some really significant MEDEVACS that saved lives and ultimately were used as an example of good practice by 1XX.
In addition to mentoring the RY med Sgt we have also had 2 of their CMTs through, for extended periods, the DPHC medical centre. These placements have helped to boost the RY medical capability as well as the individuals core skills. In addition, it has been great for the
RAP to have juniors to bring on and mentor.
Into the final part of the year and the focus is back to deliv-
ering vaccinations and other FHP in preparation for 2021 and the multiple deployments that will keep us all busy. With good news on the horizon of the RAP approaching full manning with 2 new members to be posted in.
    her deployment to OP CABRIT later in the year. Despite the windy and wet weather, the experi- ence for the RAP was overwhelmingly positive with really useful training and great feedback. SO2 CSS FTU stated that the RAP was ‘the best he had seen’ in his 3 years in role. A real credit to the team and their performance.
Post EX WESSEX STORM two members of
the RAP (LCpl Pickard and Cpl Siddall) moved
on leaving the RAP rather depleted. However,
we soon had Cpl Berryman posted in to bolster
numbers. Then COVID-19 hit. This slowed down
a lot of activity for the RAP in the firm base as
through the initial lockdown, FHP and patient
contact largely stopped. The RAP did what they
could to support DPHC and the contract staff from the local North Elmham surgery. Morale was kept up with a bake-off style cake competition, quizzes and internal training.
Eventually restrictions were lifted, and life began to move back to normal with FHP for members of Casino Troop deploying on OP CABRIT, medical range covers and the odd exercise. The RAP juniors have excelled themselves
SO2 CSS FTU stated that the RAP was ‘the best he had seen’ in his 3 years in role

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