Page 81 - QDG Year of 2020
P. 81

                                25061962 Tpr Davies joined the army in 1997 at the age of 17 after completing Phase 1 Training in ATR Winchester, before moving onto Phase 2 training at Bovington where he completed the Challenger 1 driver’s course.
Tpr Davies joined the Regiment in November 1997 at Athlone Barracks, Sennelager, Germany.
Wayne was quickly integrated into B Squadron and deployed to Northern Ireland, subsequently celebrating his 18th birthday patrolling the streets of Belfast. On return from Ireland to Germany, Jason moved with the Regiment to Cambrai Barracks, Catterick in 1998.
Whilst based in Catterick, Tpr Davies completed
a Medicine Man Exercise in Canada on Challenger
1 MBT, before deployed to Kosovo in 1999 with A Sqn and was involved in the regimental conversion from Challenger 1 to CVR(T). Tpr Davies further completed a tour of Bosnia in 2001 as SQMS staff before becoming Sqn Ldr’s driver.
Wayne completed his advanced drivers’ course in Bovington in 2002 and whilst there, he was promoted to L/Cpl.
Now L/Cpl Davies deployed on Op Telic 1 in 2003 with A Sqn as Support Troop Leaders Operator on CVRT Spartan. On
return the Regiment was Arms Plotted to Imphal Barracks, Osnabruck in Jul 2003.
L/Cpl Davies promoted to Cpl before deploying on Op Telic 5 with A Sqn in 2004. A Sqn deployed to the port of Umm Qasr, 2nd Troop was deployed to the Al Faw out-station as Border Enforcement. A Sqn moved to Al Muthana for the reminder of the tour.
Cpl Davies completed crew commanders before deploying on Op Telic 8 in 2006 with B Sqn in Al Muthana. The Sqn deployed into the desert on CVRT and open top Land Rovers.
1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards 79
  Barney grew up in Dunstable and joined
the Army in September 1994, attending
Winchester Training Regiment. During training
Angus was given the nickname Barney
because of his resemblance to Barney Rubble
from the Flintstones, this name followed him
throughout his career. Many believed that it
was his first name. He was told that he would
be joining 2 RTR, and then was later asked
if he wanted to join QDG. The problem was
that no one told him that they were Welsh!
In training he won best recruit, and despite
his little legs he also won best at PT (obvi-
ously a fix). Barney arrived at the regiment in
Sennelager as a CR1 Driver in February 1995
along with Dave Armstrong. They were both known as the Cockney Wankers, but neither of them are from London.
During his career Barney went to BATUS four times. The first was in 1995, then 1997 with Recce Troop
and once again in 1999 with A sqn. His last time
in BATUS was in 2010 as COEFOR.
Sometime in 1995 he was jailed for seven days for his part in the blockbusters. Barney’s first operational tour was in Bosnia in 1996 with D Sqn. Then in 1997 deployed on EX Lion Sun in Cyprus. In 1998 Barney deployed to Northern Ireland in Belfast, working in HMP the Maze during the riots. It was the same year that Barney promoted to LCpl.
Barney went to Kosovo in 1999 to 2000, the
Millennium Tour. In 2000 he broke his leg and
tore his ACL playing football for the RAC. This
however did not put Barney off from playing. During his time in the Army Barney played for the Regiment and for the RAC and won the Cavalry Cup in 2000. Barney also went on to be coach, manager and football officer. Barney also coached the RAC Team and Paderborn United Kids team. In September 2001 Barney left the Army and became a fibre
optic and data cabling engineer.
Barney rejoined the Army in July 2003 and
went to C sqn and was then promoted to Cpl in 2004. In 2004 Barney competed his CVRT DMI course. After his DMI course Barney deployed on Telic 5 as part of the Brigade Command Protection Team. In 2005 Barney passed his Crew Commanders and deployed on EX Swabian Eagle in surveillance troop. The next time Barney went to Iraq was on Telic 8 with HQ Sqn. In 2007 he passed the DMI Cadre in Bovington to become a schools instructor and was also promoted to Sgt and then returned to the Regiment in 2009 as a troop Sgt in B Sqn.
Barney was promoted SSgt in 2011 and returned to Bovington as QCC for the D&M School. During the summer of 2013 Barney returned to the Regiment as the Officers’
Mess Manager. A year later in 2014 Barney replaced WO2 Davies on Herrick 20 as A Sqn/ RCBS SSM. In 2014 he was promoted to WO2 and was moved to the training wing for the Regimental conversion from CVRT to Jackal. 2016-2017 was a busy time for Barney, he became HQ Sqn SSM and PMC for the WO and Sgts Mess. Still in 2016 Barney deployed on EX Suman Warrior (Malaysia) as the IntWO. In December of 2016 Barney came off the WO1 board.
For Barney’s last few years in the Army he returned to Bovington at TDT, where he was the Lead Analyst for D&M from December 2017 to
July 2020. Barney finally left the Army after a very successful career in July 2020 and now resides in Dereham with his wife Michelle and two kids Bethany and George.
WO1 Angus ‘Barney’ Costello
  Barney finally left the Army after a very successful career
25061962 WO1 JW Davies
 The following year, 2007 saw the Regiment make the move to Dempsey Barracks, Sennelager which would be its home for the next 8 years. deployed on Op Herrick 9 in 2008 with 2nd Troop
Cpl Davies
C Sqn. The Sqn patrolled Helmand Province Musa Qala in a 26-ton MASTIFF armoured vehicle. On two occasions the vehicle proved fit for purpose having struck 2 IED’s.
Cpl Davies was promoted to Sgt in 2010 and later awarded with the Queen Elizabeth trophy for recognition of his commit- ment and dedication to the Regiment. Sgt Davies deployed to Canada for three months with C Sqn conducting Mission

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